When I got back I was kinda sad to leave all the fun we were having in Italy trying new things like pasta making and departing from all the friends I had made on the short trip. I feel more equipped to travel after having many different connecting flights internationally. Also, I have a new appreciation for Italian food and wine after seeing the process to obtain both. I loved certain parts of Italian culture. There are some huge differences in the food and wine that I have noticed as we went on a food and wine tour in Italy. I feel more mature now because I got to observe how other people in different cultures live and their customs. While in Italy sometimes I couldn’t believe I was out of the country because some parts were so similar, but for the most part Italy was very different. After seeing other cultures it is easier to understand people I meet that are from different places, I can appreciate their customs as it is part of their tradition. It was so interesting to learn about other cultures while abroad. This trip, even though I was a little hesitant about traveling out of the country by myself, was so rewarding and I would definitely do it again. As this trip was a faculty-led trip almost all meals and activities were included so I feel like every penny was well spent after the trip. I am so glad I went on this trip because it opened my eyes to what is available in the hospitality industry. It was so interesting seeing how others view food and wine processes different from how we do in the states. I am very grateful I got to be a part of this study abroad program. Our host for the program made every person on the trip feel included and he made the whole trip so personal too. I felt like I had known him and his wife forever, they were so kind we were sad to leave them.