This summer I will be traveling to London to participate in a study abroad program! Studying abroad has always been a goal of mine. I have a deep passion for travel and have been fortunate to explore different places both for educational purposes and personal enjoyment. While I have been to England as part of a high school history trip, our itinerary only permitted us a brief visit to London. I am thrilled at the opportunity to delve deeper into the city and further my knowledge in my area of interest, which is forensic psychology. I decided to sign up for this program to gain first-hand knowledge of how the role of forensic psychologists in the English legal system differs from the United States. I am also eager broaden my understanding of investigative techniques and approaches to forensic psychology.
Over the past few weeks I have been considering what items to bring with me for my upcoming trip. Clothing was a top priority for me. I went shopping and purchased several new outfits and shoes for my trip. Recognizing the likelihood that we will be doing a good deal of walking, I made sure my shoes were fashionable and comfortable. I have been told that there is no shortage of stores to visit while in London so I intend to do more shopping during my visit. Understanding that London’s climate is coller than what I am accustomed to, I purchased clothes that can be layered to ensure that I will be comfortable in any type of weather. If I realize I forgot anything, I will run out and grab it while in London. The only thing I have left to do is pack.
I am a pretty spontaneous person so I haven’t made any specific plans for my free time. I am looking forward to the possibility of exploring different cities and countries during my days off. I find the idea of impromptu adventures more enjoyable and thrilling than meticulously planning out ever detail. Hopefully I can meet somen new friends and embark on spontaneous trips to other cities and countries while I am in London.
I am thrilled to be taking part in this study abroad program as it offers me the opportunity to gain valuable knowledge in forensic psychology and the criminal justice system. Additionally, I am excited to immerse myself in the local culture, meet new people and continue pursuing my passion for travel and exploring different countries. I can’t wait to start my journey tomorrow!