My time in Morocco has been a whirlwind. Between studying Arabic at an institution and exploring every corner of Morocco while absorbing the culture, the past four weeks have flown by. While in Morocco I have seen so many different cultures and ways of life. While here I feel that I have truly gained a deeper understanding of the world around me. During my time in Morocco I have grown academically and gained a larger global perspective. By witnessing so many different ways of life I have been able to strengthen my appreciation for my own culture while also admiring and understanding other people’s cultures. While here I have gotten to meets so many different people not just from Morocco, but all around the world, and been able to learn about and understand their cultures as well. By doing this I have been able to appreciate people from all different places and help grow my perspective of the world. Being able to understand different people and their cultures has also helped to make me a better academic. I am now able to look at problems with a better understanding of the world thanks to all of my experiences during my time here. My best advice to students studying abroad would be to see as much of the country as you can and gain as many experiences as you can. This may be a once in a lifetime experience and it is important to make the most of it while you can.