We moved to Milan this week, but on the way there we stopped at Verona. There’s not a whole lot to do in Verona but touch the Juliet statue’s breast. However, we ate at a nice little restaurant and I tried horse and donkey. The horse was alright, but I did not like the donkey very much, and neither was my favorite. Milan was pretty nice. I got to check out the church there and an art museum called Pinacoteca Ambrosiana that has the largest collection of Da Vinci’s written works. We also were able to make our way over to the castle and the Arch of Peace. We then took a day trip out to St. Moritz, Switzerland where we got to see snow! The train ride was really fun, and I was able to try authentic Swiss chocolate truffles. The next day, we moved to Florence, but we stopped in Pisa to see the leaning tower. A couple of us really wanted to have, “Pizza in Pisa,” so we found a small, local pizza place and had the best pizza I’ve ever eaten. In Florence, we checked out the Duomo, and then we went to the most famous gelato place in Florence. After that, we went to a wine window where I tried a Rose for the first time. It was the best wine I had on the trip. I was hoping to get to see David but the line was 4+ hours long so if you want to see it, definitely get reservations (even those were running 1+ hours behind schedule). A couple of students, Dr. Lee, his wife, and myself took a pasta making class in the evening in Florence, so we learned how to make homemade pasta, and then we got to eat what we had made: Tortellini, Ravioli, and Tagliatelle. After that, we went out to the Ferris wheel and got to see Florence from above. In Rome, I got to go to mass with the Pope and when he drove around, my hand was literally 3 feet from him! I also got to check out St. Peter’s Basilica, the Pantheon, the Forum, and the Fountains. The only big thing I missed out on was the Colosseum because I ran out of time. A bunch of us went to a soccer game of Lazio v. Sassuolo which I enjoyed immensely. On the plane ride back to the states, I sat next to a student from Iowa State who was studying abroad in Italy so we got to compare experiences and I can confidently say that Alabama is doing a better job than Iowa State. Roll Tide!