Hi all! My name is Samantha Johnson, but I usually go by Sam. I am doing a study abroad this summer in London for a Forensic Psychology Program that fulfills my Junior Writing Seminar. While I am over the moon excited to spend two weeks in London, there are a lot of nerves associated with this experience as well. The last time I was on a plane I was four years old, and I have never been out of the country alone. Needless to say, I am experiencing a good deal of anxiety about this experience, and I am sure I am not alone in having these feelings. I wanted to come on and give a few pieces of advice to all my nervous friends that have really helped me. First of all, remember to take some time to breath. Do not let the stress of packing, upcoming assignments, and going to a foreign place overrule the wonderful experience you are about to have. Breath, remember its is all okay, and take some time to be excited and look forward to your trip. Second, when packing, do not let yourself get worked up about forgetting something. As a good friend once told me, “If you forget it you can buy it, and if it is too expensive to buy, chances are you can live without it until you get home.” Lastly, remember to keep in touch with family and friends at home, but also branch out! Make new friends and connections, and do not be afraid to put yourself out there. You never know what could happen if you are willing to get out, make friends, and try new things. I hope everyone has a wonderful, safe, fun study abroad experience! Be safe, and as always, ROLL TIDE!