While deciding to study abroad may seem like a daunting process with so much information to go over and learn the process is well worth it! As a student who was unsure of everything and did not know many other students who had studied abroad in the past these are some of the things, I found helpful and would do again.

Do not overpack! I know this is something everyone always says but it is true. There is such great shopping in Europe and especially if you are there for a full semester, your wardrobe will expand in size with minimal closet space, and you will have to leave things behind that cannot fit in your suitcase at the end.

If this is your first time in Europe, do not be afraid of doing all of the super touristy things! I heard a lot of people say that they mainly wanted to go off the beaten path and do other things in Europe, but you have so much time there, see the famous museums, monuments, etc. even if it is just to say that you did them, you will not regret it. Many times, my roommates and I felt like silly Americans doing some of these activities, but they were all worth it and all of us are happy we fit in the typical things you do in Europe during our time there.

Going off of my last point, just because you want to do touristy stuff does not mean that is all you have to do. On each trip I went on, we always made it a goal of ours to become friends with some locals our age. By doing this we found so many cool spots that we probably would not have found without them. It is also fun to keep up with them on social media after and see what they are doing in their home country as well!

Finally, you will be homesick and that is ok! You are in a completely different country with all new things, different ways of life and the time change makes it hard to keep up with family and friends. You have to give yourself time to adjust and give yourself grace in this period because you just had a huge adjustment to your life. You will get more comfortable with your surroundings and how they do life in your home country before you know it and then you will already be back home wishing you could go back! Being homesick is completely normal and should not keep you from studying abroad. This experience is a one-in-a-lifetime opportunity that is so worth being homesick for a little bit in the end.