Hi! I did the UA Macroeconomics trip in Croatia and Italy! My friends and I took a little roadtrip to Miami on Friday to before we departed for our trip on Sunday! It was so nice to spend the weekend with our friend and his family who we wouldn’t see until next semester! We were able to go to the beach and to a nice dinner on Saturday and soak up our last bite of US food for a month! We also had help researching of some of the places we were very excited to visit including the leaning tower of Pisa in Italy! On Sunday, we had an early wakeup call and got to the airport around 7am, with a layover in Istanbul and arriving in Dubrovnik the next morning around 8am! We were determined to beat the jet lag and immediately went exploring around the beach area until some of our other friends arrived later that day! I was super nervous to study abroad because I had never been abroad without my family before and I had not been to this side of the world yet so I was super unsure what to expect. I wanted to study abroad though because I wanted the opportunity to meet others from all over the world, and be able to experience this trip with some of my best friends. I made sure to watch lots of tiktoks and research some items I would need to have as well as phone tips for data usage and lots of cool restaurants and other spots I was super excited to visit!