When I first arrived at the Dubrovnik, Croatia airport I felt like I hadn’t slept in a week because of how exhausted I was. I met up with the other UA students that were on my flight and we all migrated to where our teacher was waiting for us so we could load up into vans to get to where we were staying. I think all of us were delirious at this point and the conversations were pretty strained because of the exhaustion. After the first couple of days everyone was wide awake, acclimated and ready to go. For the first half of the trip we had class for 2-3 hours in the morning and then we were free to do whatever we wanted and explore. This trip has been so incredible so far and one of our professors Dr. Lee said that we are the perfect group because all of us meshed really well and all got along and he was a bit worried about it because there are forty-five of us in total which is larger than most study abroad groups. I had very few times in Croatia where the language barrier was an issue at all but in Italy I did experience a few funny situations because of the language barrier. One of these situations was at a restaurant in Rome and my friend Kyle asked the waitress for ketchup and she gave him a bit of a confused face but went off to go get it and about a minute later she returned and gave him a knife and then walked away again. We thought it was hilarious and he later asked another waiter for it and he understood and brought some ketchup but the whole situation was pretty funny.