Outside of our time spent in clinic, we had some opporutinities to get to see and experience the country of Zambia. My top two favrotie experiences from the trip are the safari we did and seeing Victoria falls. During our safari we got to see zebras, buffalo, monkeys, zebra, giraffes, elephants and white rhinos which are an endangered species. It was so cool to see these beautiful animals up close. I actually got a better view of some elephants the day after our safari while we were driving and saw about three elephants just off the side of the road so that was really fun and cool to see. Victoria Falls is one of the seven natural wonders of the world and it was more beautiful than I had imagined. I looked up pictures before we went but being there in person and seeing how massive it is is truly amazing. Victoria Falls actually goes into Zimbabwe so weren’t even able to walk the whole path of the falls, it is so much to take in! Some other experiences we got to have was going into the Mukuni Village and being shown around and getting to go inside the chief’s palace. We also got to shop around at one of the markets in town and it was overwhelming for sure, but so fun. I still can’t believe I actually went to Africa and I am so thankful for these experiences and memories I have to look back on. It was so cool to experience a new culture and have these fun experiences while also doing something really meaningful by providing free healthcare to hundreds of people who may not get any otherwise.