Before leaving for your study abroad, think about how you want to document your travels. This looks different for everyone. While studying abroad, I use Instagram stories to share pictures of the different activities I did. It was easy for me to put all of these Instagram stories into one highlight so my photos can be saved in one spot. I know a few other people on my trip used TikTok and other social media to post exciting moments from their trip. 

Even if you do not use social media, I believe it is important to photograph what you do and see. While abroad, I had many new experiences and by photographing my time I was able to save snap shots of those memories. Some students brought disposable cameras, GoPro cameras, and underwater cameras. I would recommend bringing a disposable camera because it was able to catch many candid photos and they were my favorite pictures from my study abroad. A GoPro or underwater camera is helpful for if you are participating in underwater activities or swimming with fish. While in Australia, we visited the Great Barrier Reef and I wish I had a camera that was waterproof because the reef was beautiful.

For taking photos on your phone, I would recommend checking that you have enough storage before you leave. One member of my study abroad ran out of photo storage half way through the trip and was trying to get more storage while abroad. While in New Zealand, I took over 400 photos in one day at Milford Sounds. You may have a similar experience where you see beautiful scenery and you want to be able to capture it all!