My name is Mary Patton. I studied abroad this May through the UA in Croatia: Intermediate Macroeconomics program. I thoroughly enjoyed my time on the trip, but I thought I should share some travel tips. First off, I would recommend bringing snacks on the plane ride. On the plane ride from Rome to DFW on the way home, our plane sat on the tarmac for three and a half hours before the flight was cancelled. I had a small meal before we left the hotel in Rome at 6:30am, but by the time we got off the plane, it was about 1:30pm. I had been counting on the plane food, which I do not recommend. Luckily, some of the people I had studied abroad with were on our flight and offered me snacks. I got some chocolate covered Oreos and pringles. The next day, we also sat on the tarmac, this time in Dallas, and I was extremely thankful for the protein bars I had brought. I highly recommend being patient with air travel and trying to maintain a cool head. Everyone on our flight had their flight cancelled on the way from Rome to Dallas. It was the end of one couple’s honeymoon and one man’s birthday. There were a lot of sitting in uncomfortable chairs and waiting in customer service lines. One guy in our group called it “a game of hurry up and wait”. To prepare for any travel mishaps that may occur, I recommend keeping all your necessary paperwork (i.e. ID, credit/debit card, passport, boarding pass) readily accessible. Also, plan to pack snacks, a portable charger, headphones, a book, and water. I highly recommend dressing in layers on flights and train rides. This will allow you to keep more clothes out of your luggage and dress based on the air conditioning. On the long flight, I kept my sweatshirt and sweatpants on, but while we sat on the tarmac without AC, I shed them and sat in my tank top and shorts. A little preparation can make all the difference in travel mishaps. But I hope you have a smooth travel. Either way, it made for a story for me. Five of us on the trip spent an extra night in Rome, and I had fun despite it being unplanned.