My friends and I totaled ten people who went to Split, Croatia, from Thursday through Sunday last weekend. Split was a beautiful city built into the Diocletian Palace, giving the whole town a weird ancient tourist vibe. The downtown tourist area was a maze of shops, bars, and cafes with some of the best food I have had in Europe, especially this tiny shoe-box kabob place we had three times over the weekend. Apparently, the second half, seasons three through six of Game of Thrones, was filmed in that city, so half of my group was nerding out about seeing the city and all the sites that appeared in the show. For one of the days, we went on an island cruise with unlimited wine. We swam to a sunken ship, lay on the beach, and saw some bright blue seas. After hours on the boat, we got up and went to Centrale Club, the most fun party club that I have ever been to, and we stayed there until nearly four a.m. And that was just our first day there. On the second, we went to another beach that, though it was different, being rocky instead of sandy, was so much more beautiful than the beaches in Alabama and Florida and even clearer than the Caribbean. On Sunday, we did not have our flight till nearly midnight, so we went to the shops, hung out at a wine bar, talked for hours about our lives and how different our schools were, and spent the late afternoon back at that beach we were at the day before. Unfortunately, as with all good things, Croatia had to end, and while getting to the airport was easy after getting there, the plan was to get back to the apartment by two am. Still, instead, because of a delayed plane, no buses, Ubers, or trains, and a long taxi line, we did not get back to the place till nearly five Monday morning.