What an incredible trip! The final week of my study abroad was truly unforgettable. We visited a psychiatric hospital that housed a unique museum featuring artwork created by patients over the years. It was fascinating to see the expressions captured through their art.

Following that, we explored the Clink Prison Museum, the oldest prison in England, which showcased historical methods of prisoner confinement and punishment. I found it captivating to learn about the various techniques used in those times.

One of my favorite activities on this trip was the Jack the Ripper walking tour, where we visited the four locations connected to his infamous crimes. The guide was exceptionally engaging, adding a layer of intrigue to the historical narrative.

On our last day, we gathered for a heartfelt farewell dinner, reminiscing about the incredible experiences we shared. This trip has been an amazing experience that I would recommend to anyone. It’s hard to believe it’s over; I’m already missing it!