Shelby Bryant
It’s been a few days since I got back from St. Maarten and I’ve missed it every day. Looking back at pictures reminds me of how much fun I had on this amazing trip. Looking back at the first week, I experienced making new friends and seeing new things. We had a tour of the whole Island as one of the excursions. We saw Iguanas and fed them which I thought was so amazing. My favorite part of the tour was stopping at one of the look out mountains where there was a beautiful view of the island. We ended the tour eating dinner at a place called sunset grill. This restaurant is right beside Maho Beach where airplanes fly over and land at the airport. The airplanes fly right over the beach really low which was so cool to see. During the first week there I also got to try plenty of restaurants and foods. My favorites from that week were Rosie’s beach shack which was right on the beach and Jax Steakhouse we had one night for dinner. We also went on our first catamaran this week. We went around the island on the catamaran and stopped at a few places to swim. The water was so blue and we got a lot of good pictures that day. I loved swimming in the water there and snorkeling because of how clear the water was. We started off class that week doing secondary research on Sapphire Beach Club which was where we were staying. The hotel also had cats around which we gave them names. I loved seeing the cats everyday going to class or to the pool. I am so happy I got to experience studying abroad this year and to have this opportunity.