The day before I left for my study abroad in Madrid, I sat in my room sobbing. This was about to be the first time I was away from my family from this long, with an ocean separating us if something were to go wrong. I only live a few hours from Tuscaloosa, so if I have a bad week, my family can be there almost instantly. Additionally, I knew basically nobody on my trip. I signed up all alone, and was starting to have regrets. Having returned from my trip, this is a letter I would write to myself when I was crying on the bedroom floor, anxious of what the next month would hold.
Dear Hannon,
Now that your month in Madrid is complete you would give almost anything to stay in Madrid longer! You met the sweetest and funniest group of friends and they are all so different. Together, you guys basically cover every corner of campus. Some of them are in sororities and fraternities, others not. Some are studying medicine, others business. You even met friends who are from Spain, and they will teach you so much! I know you were worried about your classes, but they were actually one of the highlights of your trip. Your professors, Dolores and Jorge, were two of the most fun people you have ever met. Instead of the lecture filled four hours of class each day that you envisioned, classes were filled with “field trips” to local markets and units on Spanish film, Spanish slang, and more! You will even do a presentation modeled after a Spanish version of Dr. Phil to practice the subjunctive past tense. The last day, we all hugged our professors goodbye and connected with them on social media. We truly loved them! Additionally, you and your new group of friends will find something to do together every single day. Whether it was going out and doing something, or staying up late on the rooftop eating and laughing with each other, you will go to bed every night feeling grateful for the people and experiences you have encountered. Now finish packing, and get excited. Soak up every single second of this next month! You will be glad you did.
Hannon (a month later!)
My sweet friends: