Throughout the first week of courses here at Oxford University we have begun to analyze the connections between numerous pieces of classic literature and the town/university itself. Some of the titles that we have been looking into are Alice in Wonderland, That Hideous Strength, and The Golden Compass. The largest connections that I have noticed so far are including a tension between two groups or ideals and how that is reinforced by physical barriers. For example in The Golden Compass the main character Lyra is bound by the ideas and people that are inside of Jordan College and discovers new life when she ventures outside. This is similarly represented in Oxford when looking at the town versus own ideal, the concept of the students being separated from the remainder of the town. Both of these are seen physically as well in the environments, in Lyra’s case she is bound by her college and in Oxford the way that some of the colleges are built, specifically the older colleges, makes them seem uninviting from the outside. Many hold a palace like feel and have walls that surround them as seen above in a photograph of Christ Church College. Note that this photograph was taken from the inside but the walls are mirrored from the outside creating that feel of a physical barrier between those that are allowed inside and those that are onlookers. Connections such as this have been found within each of the pieces of literature that we have discussed thus far, and discussions in class have sparked my interest as to how the architecture of not only Oxford but other cities and towns as well can influence the reinforcement of a social hierarchy, an idea that I plan to complete my research project on. Overall, the first week of UA in Oxford has been filled with wonderful experiences that are truly once in a lifetime. I am eager to continue to explore Oxford University and all of the resources that it provides.