As I settle back into the familiarities of my small hometown in Alabama, the memories of Paris and Cannes constantly linger in my mind. The streets of my hometown seem much quieter, missing the energy of Paris and the charm of Cannes. Each day since I have returned, I find myself reminiscing about the adventures I had in France.
The streets of Paris and Cannes became my classroom, full of art, culture, and endless exploration. The early mornings and long walks or metro rides to the day’s destination, whether it be The Louvre or the Eiffel Tower, or the Cannes Lions Festival, are something I miss the most. Sometimes, even though it sounds cliché, it’s the journey I find myself longing for, not just the days’s destination. The unexpected detours, conversations with classmates or strangers, or the simple pleasure of watching the landscape change, are the true memories that stick with me.
Studying abroad in France was a dream! It became an extension of my educational and personal growth in ways that I never imagined possible. Academically, the coursework challenged my critical thinking and intellectual curiosity. The opportunity to take classes for credits through UA while being in such a beautiful country was one of a lifetime. Beyond academic growth, studying abroad in France profoundly impacted my personal development. The diverse nature of both cities exposed me to a multitude of cultures and perspectives. Through these interactions I have gained a deeper appreciation for different worldviews and learned the importance of cultural sensitivity and open-mindedness.
Now, back at home, my routines seem a bit mundane. The world here feels like it is moving slower, lacking the spontaneous adventures that Paris and Cannes offered daily. But, I remind myself that those experiences have shaped me, broadened my horizons, and given me a new perspective on life. I miss France so much already, and you can almost say my heart is still abroad.