Being back in the states for close to 3 weeks now, I think I have gotten used to everything. But I still vividly recollect on how things were in Rome. I met new people, went to new places, and ate new food. Coming back I realized how much I enjoyed Gelato. In Rome to me it was the perfect dessert at any part of the day. It was always so fresh and so cheap. In my first week of school I made friends with two girls, Brittany and Kaylee, who then introduced me to our local Gelato dealer. I call him our “gelato dealer” because I saw him almost every day and at a point he became more than just another gelato shop. His name was Steffano, and Steffano was a great guy. Steffano told me about places to visit in Rome, he helped give me bits and pieces on Roman culture, and he was pretty funny too. To me Steffano was a summary of most of the people I encountered in Rome, Sweet.
To me that sweetness was the kindness that almost everyone in Rome showed me, people were encouraging of me trying to speak in Italian and even cheered when I messed up. I met good people and ate great food. Different neighborhoods always felt open and inviting, just like Steffano.
As I come back home the reverse culture shock hit, scenery felt familiar and normal and people a little less open. I noticed how our community felt a little less like a united front and more divided. I noticed how we as Americans never really take time to “Stop and smell the roses” or stop and talk to any of our locals it was so strange to me. It feels like we are always in a rush, and everything is about money. I now even feel like if I had a gelato shop in town, I don’t even think I would have time to stop in and speak to the Gelato dealer!