I can still remember the bus ride to the airport on the day we departed Barcelona. I couldn’t peel my eyes away from the window the whole time. I was trying to memorize every detail of the city. My first independent adventure away from my hometown and it was in a foreign country with an entire different culture. I’m still so beyond proud of myself. It’s been almost 4 months from my time abroad and I feel like I am yearning to get overseas. Unfortunately, I have a love for not only travel but for material things. So, I don’t quite know when my next European adventure will be but I’m so thankful for this opportunity. I’m still building up my savings from the complete disaster Spain left my account in (It was well worth it and I would do it 1000 times over). Some key points I will always remember from Spain is the feeling of being absolutely safe. I don’t know if it’s cause we were twenty year olds in the wild and we were fearless or if it was just a safe country. Either way, I’m so grateful that we stayed safe the entirety of the trip. Another thing I will always remember is my straight paranoia of being pickpocketed. I was told over and over again be aware of your surroundings, always keep a hand on your bag etc. I didn’t get pickpocketed once. For anyone traveling to Spain in the upcoming months I encourage you to keep a hand on your bag and don’t overthink it. I will admit to my paranoia being quite obsessive with AirTags in every item of mine. Just live. It’s never as serious as you make it out to be. Now a key point of my month abroad will always be the weekend trips. I know I talked about Nice, France in my last post but I never got a chance to mention my trip to Ibiza. It was a college students dream. We stayed at an all inclusive for two nights and it was the perfect amount of time. We had the opportunity to go to the VIP section of Ushuaia to see John summit and Calvin Harris. It is a core memory that I can’t wait to tell my kids about. After the concert ended we hopped over to Hi Ibiza to see David Guetta. After that weekend I was so content I was on cloud nine. I knew I had experienced the experience of a lifetime.
I do appreciate and love America. It is my home and it always will be, but now I have this crazy expectation of going abroad every summer and sadly it’s just not feasible for me. My time abroad has given me much motivation to become successful in life to afford these trips of mine. I encourage everyone and anyone to go abroad!!!