Setbacks come in many shapes and sizes. For me, the worst types of challenges are the little ones that build on each other until you get to the point where any little inconvenience makes you feel like there is no way to overcome it. This trip is the first time where I have ventured out alone. Last time I was abroad, my roommate and I had the same schedule, so we did everything together. Even in college, there was someone on campus from home. So, my setback was that I am uncomfortable doing things alone.

My first week in Morocco, I did not leave the apartment much except for service learning. I said yes to everything that people invited me to, but my schedule and everyone else’s does not align. I didn’t have to leave for food, and I have a pretty comfortable apartment. Even service learning didn’t require me to go somewhere alone because Owen and I teach together. Then, Owen didn’t come to a class on Friday. I was nervous to go out and catch a petit taxis by myself, but it is my job, the reason that I am here, so I did. Imagine my surprise when it worked! I realized that there was no reason for me to be stressed about this, so I started going out by myself. I still enjoy going out with others more, but I am learning to be more comfortable in my own skin.

I’ve learned a few things from this experience. First, I get lost easily, so having a pin of where I need to end up is extremely helpful. Moroccans are also very willing to help you get to where you need to be (as long as you can tell them where that is). Second, ask for directions if needed. People are very willing to help if only you ask for it (and sometimes just if you look lost enough). There is no medal for getting to a place without asking for directions. Third, I can travel alone, and it can be fun. I have found a juice shop that I love, and I’ve done some shopping.