Three weeks ago today I arrived to the Newark airport filled with feelings of fear, regret, and doubt. I wondered how an experience that I have always dreamed of could be so scary. I knew this would be a life changing experience but I couldn’t ignore these feelings bubbling up inside of me. As I hugged my parents goodbye I felt a sense of peace in knowing that they believed in me even if I was hesitant in that moment. I grabbed my luggage, waved goodbye, and before I knew it I was off to Barcelona, Spain.
When my roommate and I arrived at our tiny European apartment I couldn’t believe that this was our home for the next few months. The feelings I had felt just a day before were slowly turning into feelings of hope and excitement. We quickly began to unpack and ended the night with our first meal on our terrace. As we looked out into the courtyard that was lit by the full moon, we said in unison “good for us.”
The next few weeks seemed to fly by as classes began and we began to explore the city around us. With school and activities through our program came new friends and memories. The felling of autumn started to fill the air and I couldn’t help but be filled with gratitude as I walked home from class through the bustling city surrounded by the changing leaves falling.
So far I have traveled to France and London on the weekends and both have been an unforgettable experience. Being so close to so many beautiful places is an opportunity worth taking advantage of.
I’m only three weeks into my time abroad but time flies when you’re having fun and I’m holding onto every minute in my new home.