I will never forget the nerves and anxiety I felt the day I flew from Newark to Barcelona. There was so much unknown and it scared me that it wasn’t a quick trip, but a three month experience. I know now that all of the good and bad emotions that filled me throughout these last three months were so worth it. Barcelona quickly became my new home. I knew the streets like the back of my hand and I started to become familiar with local businesses and there owners. I can’t believe how quickly this experience came and went, but I am so grateful to miss it and to have had such a hard time saying goodbye to the place I call home for three months.
Over the last three months I not only explored Barcelona, but also a plethora of other countries I dreamed of visiting. My friends and I went on trips to London, Valencia, Nice, Rome, Dublin, Copenhagen, and Amsterdam. My favorite cities wound up being London and Amsterdam, but every trip was filled with memories and moments that I want to hold onto forever. I went to Barcelona with my best friend from the University of Alabama, and we left with six more best friends that happen to go to the University of Denver. Experiencing the world together bonded us all together in such a special way and I am so grateful to have met them and to have shared this experience all together.
Studying abroad in Spain was the best decision I have made in my life so far. The places I traveled and the people I met were all absolutely incredible, but the growth and independence I felt within myself was truly exceptional. I learned how to truly persevere and step out of my comfort zone even when I might not want to in that moment. I will hold onto this experience forever and although I will forever miss my three months in Europe, I feel lucky to have experienced it.
How lucky am I to have something that makes it so hard to say goodbye…