It is now officially less than 24 hours until I depart Copenhagen and catch my flight (well, couple of flights) back to the States. Reflecting on my trip, I can say with full confidence that I have loved my time abroad. Pre-departure, I was nervous about making friends and navigating cultural differences. And, while making friends was daunting at first, I love my roommates and am truly thankful the for the time I got to spend with them.
Today, we are visiting the Kastrup Sea Baths to go swimming and I could not be more excited. Before coming here, I packed mainly jeans and sweaters because I expected the weather to be a lot cooler than an Alabama summer. I definitely should have packed more shorts, especially considering the lack of air conditioning in the hostels and many of the places we visited.
That aside, it was incredible to learn about the infrastructure and social sustainability initiatives in Denmark. As a political science major, I loved seeing how cultural attitudes intersected with public policy and the integration of sustainability projects into daily living. Hygge is a Danish word roughly translating to cozy, essentially meaning creating a warm atmosphere and enjoying life with good people. With an emphasis on slowing down and enjoying life, Danish culture offers a glimpse into a new reality, vastly different than the hustle culture in the United States. This concept is something I look forward to implementing and prioritizing in my own life when I come home to Alabama.