I’m excited and nervous. It has been a lifelong dream of mine to study abroad, but life got in the way and prevented me from fulfilling my dreams. With my daughter being an adult and a college student herself, I thought it was a perfect time for me to have this experience. It was important to show my daughter that if you have a dream, you never get too old to follow it. Although this is a fascinating time, I have an array of mixed fixed feelings because this is the first time I will be away from my family for this amount of time and distance. Everyone has downloaded WhatsApp so that we will be able to communicate with each other. I also have some anxiety about having to find my way to field placement and have fears of getting lost. I’m also nervous about being on an airplane for that many hours. As far as packing I’m sure I overpacked I just wished I was able to pack my iron but will attempt to purchase one when I get to Ghana. I believe that packing has been the biggest headache for me, not knowing if you are overdoing the process or underdoing it. Must haves on the plane are my tablet for reading, eye mask, pillow, and headphones so that I’m able to relax and listen to my podcast. I hope to immerse myself in the culture and learn valuable skills that I’m able to use in my future practice. Ghana here I come!