Though it sounds cliché, studying abroad changed my perspective on the world and life in general. Before studying abroad, I had no idea how big the world really was and how people are all similar but so different around the world. One of the main ways that my study abroad experience changed me is by culturing me to be able to better interact with people of different nationalities than myself. Before studying abroad, I had honestly never had much experience truly interacting with people that spoke a different language and were raised completely different than myself. Through traveling to the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, and the United Kingdom, I was exposed to and challenged to interact with almost every nationality of person under the sun. I remember when I was in Germany I was trying to purchase some groceries from a local store. I had a question for one of the employees about a product, and not one second after asking the question, I realized the man did not speak English at all. I learned through the power of a smile, hand gestures, and positive persistence goes along way. Ultimately, we were both able to come to a conclusion. Many encounters such as this one happened to me over the course of my study. Studying abroad for me was a live and learn experience because it took me a second to get accustomed to communicating with individuals, but I never looked back once I was accustomed. This experience forever changed me because now I feel I will be able to better communicate and understand individuals of different nationalities I encounter for the rest of my life. I will be able to understand our differences, and do my part to make the best out of every differing cultural encounter. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to study abroad, and I hope to be able to travel out of the country again one day!