Life in Colombia is truly beautiful. Every day is a new experience. It is a new day to learn something new, taste something new, or try something new. Just be open, be you, and seriously have fun. If you don’t think you are going to make friends here, I promise you will. Everyone is open and wants someone to enjoy a beautiful country with.
Student Life
Life as a student in Barranquilla, Colombia I will truthfully say is not the easiest (but IT IS DOABLE). Simply because you will wake up at 6:30am Monday-Thursday for 3 classes that you will have back-to-back (possibly), lunch at 1, then on campus all day until your driver comes to pick you up at 3:30. With possible excursions after a long day. The distractions here in Colombia are at an all-time high because you are in a new country, want to explore the land, explore the people, and everything it has to offer. I don’t say this to discourage you from studying abroad, I say this to encourage you to find your anchor in all the things that happen here. Your grades, experiences, and health are all that is important on this trip. Also, make friends with the students at Uninorte, they want to know you...seriously.
The locals here are the sweetest, they appreciate the small things. I will say, you will get the looks so get used to it!! But, once they realize you speak English and Spanish, they will want to speak with you more, everyone here is so excited to learn and practice their English. Also, you will quickly learn some things that are done here are not as offensive as they would be in the U.S.