When traveling to Australia, my luggage got lost in LAX. It took 4 days for my luggage to be delivered to me in Melbourne, Australia. This experience taught me about adapting to unexpected changes. At first, I was stressed about not having my suitcase, especially since this was my first time traveling internationally. After the initial shock, I realized the location of my bag was out of my control and I would just have to wait until the airline contacted me. Here are a few things I have learned after losing my luggage:

#1 Put an AirTag in your luggage. (Double check your airline allows AirTags in check bags because it can vary by airline!)

#2 Have an identifiable marker on your checked bag. If your bag gets lost, the airline will ask you to describe your suitcase. It is helpful to have a bag that is a unique color and has a feature that makes it stand out. This could be a bandana, sticker, or other marker.  

#3 Pack at least one outfit in your carry-on bag.

#4 Pack all essentials in your carry-on bag, such as medication, toothbrush, and any other overnight toiletries needed. 

#5 Check the location of your nearest stores before leaving. This is good to know in case you have to do last minute shopping. 

#6 If you do lose your bag, reach out to your airline about refunds for shopping for essentials. When I lost my luggage, I was able to put in a claim to refund me for some clothes and toiletries for the days I did not have my bag.