I have officially completed my first week of Study Abroad in Madrid! While I've gained at least a little bit of knowledge on the culture, food, and fun, I thought it would be important to write on my pre-departure, packing, and preparation strategies as well as my travel day to arrive in Madrid.

Packing and Preparation

Thinking about packing for a month or more abroad can be very daunting! What will the weather be like? Are my shoes going to be comfy? Should I bring shampoo from home or buy it there? Lots of questions and these are all so common. Going into packing, my strategy was to pack as much of the necessities as I could from home, but if I needed to buy something while here, it wouldn't be the end of the world. I ended up using a large suitcase that I checked, a carry-on suitcase, and a purse as my personal item, which I now use to carry my laptop and workbooks to class. As for packing clothes, I would encourage you, regardless of where you're traveling, to do some research on the style or fashion of the area. Pinterest, TikTok, and Instagram are all great resources. There's nothing that screams "I'm a tourist" more than wearing your athleisure in a country that dresses up every day! For Madrid, women wear a lot of dresses, skirts, and jeans with cute tops. Target and Dillards were two of my go-to's for shopping for Spain. Another thing to consider is the weather. While yes, it is hot during the day, it can be chilly early in the morning or later at night, which was new to me being used to Alabama summers. I opted to pack all of my toiletries and shower items, just to make my life a little bit easier over here. One question I did a lot of research on before coming over was the use of hot hair tools, and I unfortunately didn't figure that one out, so I just bought a cheap hair dryer while over here. Overall, my biggest two pieces of advice would be to research the style of your destination and pack as much as you can fit to not have to buy as much while you're here!

Travel Day

My travel day went fairly smoothly, but I know some people that didn't get so lucky. If you've been abroad before, you know the importance of sleeping on the plane - jet lag will hit you like a wall. Having an overnight flight is the best way to do this in my opinion. You get both dinner and breakfast on these flights, but of course, don't forget your own snacks, headphones, and a book if you're a reader! Also, I'd encourage comfy clothes in layers. I found the plane to be warm at first, but as we got farther into the night it was a bit chilly. We landed bright and early at about 8:30 am Madrid time and we were off to the races!