My study abroad experience took me to Croatia and Italy, the latter being a popular destination for study abroad. One thing we aren’t used to doing is paying for water and bathrooms. This was a huge cultural shock, and frankly very annoying. It is important to note that this could vary depending on the country, but from my experience it absolutely happens in Italy and Croatia. BRING A WATER BOTTLE. I brought a Britta water bottle which was extremely helpful, but anything works. The tap water is very clean (Europe has stricter regulations than the U.S), so it is not a problem to drink. I would fill up my water bottle from the sink anywhere I went, even at the restaurants. Some places were ok with this and some were upset, but you just have to be discrete about it. Water is more expensive than alcohol and soda at most places. The average cost was somewhere between 3€-8€. This may not seem like a lot but it adds up for every meal. These are glass bottles of water, so they cost more. They will bring them for the table so you almost always end up sharing, most people finish their water long before the food arrives. I would estimate you could save around €200-€300 not buying water at restaurants. In the U.S, water is free and refills are also free. I drink 2-3 every time I go out to eat, this will not happen in Europe unless you bring a water bottle.
Bathrooms must also be paid for in most of Croatia and Italy. In the U.S, you can run into any restaurant and use their bathroom. This is not the case. If you want to use the bathroom, you have to pay or buy something. Even McDonald’s had their bathroom blocked off, you needed a receipt to scan for the bathroom to open. This may not sound like a problem, but I cannot tell you how many times I was out walking around and needed to use the bathroom. The price will range from 0.50€-2€, which is not bad but adds up. There is no way to avoid this besides making sure you use the bathroom before you leave your room. Even if you don’t have to go, just use the bathroom before you leave. You will thank yourself later. Make sure you have coins with you for emergency bathroom uses. Most places don’t want to give you change when the price is that small. It is vital to hand someone the coin and then go. You don’t want to be digging around for coins or asking for change when you desperately need the bathroom