To put it simply, I miss being abroad. I didn't think I would feel this longing to be somewhere else when I just got home. It almost feels like home is different or that it is close but not quite in front of me. I miss my favorite hikes and cafés and the calm bikes to class and laying near the river with my friends. I have been trying to adjust and it has been a slow process, but there have been some routines and habits that have genuinely helped me in getting back to life.

I truly loved being in nature when I was abroad, so I have worked on trying to be in and among nature since being back and that has truly helped in enjoying my time. I didn't realize how signitifcant reverse culture shock would be. Even small errands such as grocery shopping feel different. I expected to appreciate things I have missed, but have rather felt a larger degree of dislike for the things I never wanted to deal with again. I have been trying to journal memories from this semester and have been wanting to stay in touch with others from my program. It has helped in keeping those memories alive and also in realizing the influence that studying abroad had.

Overall, returning home has been a harder process than I thought it would be. I have felt so much happiness and sadness all in these past few weeks. Although, I couldn't be more grateful to have so much support with my family and friends here as well as the ones I met abroad. I will never forget my experiences and I never want to. They will always be a part of me and will influence who I am and despite the transition back to the States, I know I am better because of this experience, and I cannot wait to see where it takes me.