Ciao! We just took off from Logan Airport and are finally on the way to Florence, Italy! Woohoo! We have a connecting flight in Zurich, Switzerland (already checking another city off the list). I am feeling extremely excited, joyful, thankful, nervous, and worried all at the same time. Being abroad for four months is a long time, but I have a feeling it will fly by. I have quite a list of things I hope to accomplish and hopefully I get to check a lot, if not all of them off! Some of these include: meet not just new friends but GREAT friends, go out of my comfort zone, travel as much as possible, be scared, immerse myself in the Italian culture, speak Italian as much as possible, and to create as many experiences as possible. Along with accomplishing these goals, I also have quite a list of places I really hope to be able to go to. Keeping my budget in check is something I am super nervous about with this part, so I am not sure I will be able to go EVERYWHERE I want. Some of the places I want to travel to are Amsterdam, Switzerland, Tuscany, Venice, Barcelona, Ibiza, Morocco, Munich, Greece, Paris, England, Dublin, Prague, Budapest, Vienne, and Salzburg. This is quite the list, but I hope to get to at least half of them. Traveling with companies I have heard is super convenient, but it does come with a price tag. I want to try to travel on my own so I can really immerse myself into Europe, but it is definitely a scary task.
**Update** I have been for a week I already love it SO much, I will keep you all updated soon!