I can’t believe I only have a month left in this magical city! I have met so many incredible new friends and travelled to so many new places. One of the main things that has surprised me about this experience is how much I have ended up traveling in my host country. I feel like this is to be expected for students in Italy, or Spain, but I am truly amazed how much the Czech Republic has to offer! From amazing palaces to spa towns to bone churches it really does have it all! I have also enjoyed going to some of the less well-visited countries in Europe such as Slovakia, Hungary, and Ukraine. I feel like these non-touristy hotspots have something really unique to offer and are full of history.
Of course all of this traveling has to be well-planned around school. One thing I really like about the Czech Republic is that there is no school on Fridays. So, by carefully choosing my class schedule, I was able to have classes only on Mondays and Wednesdays, therefore leaving Tuesday as my study/homework day and Thursdays-Sunday for traveling. In order for me to travel on weekends, however, I need to make sure I am on my game the first three days of the week. I can also use the time spent on buses or planes while traveling to my advantage. Overall, Traveling while studying abroad is amazing and definitely doable, but you need to make sure you remember the real reason you’re there is to study!