by Richmond W | Jun 15, 2015 | Commerce & Business, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer
Though it sounds cliché, studying abroad changed my perspective on the world and life in general. Before studying abroad, I had no idea how big the world really was and how people are all similar but so different around the world. One of the main ways that my study...
by Richmond W | May 18, 2015 | Commerce & Business, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer
Having never been to Europe, I had know idea what to expect or if I would even like being over seas. I was wrong in all ways. First, I think it is hard to put into words for me my favorite thing about being in Europe. With so many things I enjoy, I have to narrow my...
by Richmond W | May 13, 2015 | Commerce & Business, Europe, Summer, UA-Affiliate
“To study abroad or not to study abroad?” This question rang in my head many times while I have been in college. Will it be too expensive? Will I enjoy it? Where will I go? All these questions were thoughts I had before choosing my study abroad program and...