Traveling Solo

Traveling Solo

One of the most amazing things about studying abroad is the opportunity to live in a new place and take the chance to travel and see more of the world than you could from home. But traveling is hard, and it also can be hard to find people you want to travel with. So...
Getting Prepared for China

Getting Prepared for China

This is my second study abroad trip, to China, and so I am preparing for this trip did not pose any difficulties. I was looking forward to this trip, nonetheless, because I’ve never been to northern China, where the weather is more pleasant. So, this time I’ve packed...

Back at Home

UA in Oxford Reflecting on being abroad, I realize how remarkable of a journey I’ve committed to. It was such a fulfilling time and I learned many things, not just about myself but life and other people. I cannot tell my experience to the extent that I wish without...
Headed to Bordeaux!

Headed to Bordeaux!

Hi everyone, my name is Evans Johnson and I am a senior at The University. I have decided to spend my first semester in the beautiful city of Bordeaux, France at KEDGE University. I write this post as I sit waiting at the airport for the flight that will take me on my...

Home Sweet Home Baby

The first things going through my head as I arrived in Chicago were my family. It’d been a while since I had seen them, and I missed them so much. The part that really got me though was that everything was about to change so quickly again, but this time it’d be back...

Life After London

After an unforgettable six weeks in London, I was ready to come back to the States. The UK is similar enough to the US that I didn’t experience too much reverse culture shock. But of course, I find myself missing certain aspects of my study abroad experience...

A Tour of Tours

I’ve been in France for a few weeks now, and it has been everything I’ve always dreamed of! I first arrived in Paris, where we stayed for a week and did some sightseeing. I was so excited to see all the signs in French and the bakeries on every corner....

Around and Back Again

Well, I’ve come full circle. I have traveled to China and returned home all in one piece. I honestly missed the United States. Breakfast food, potato chips in certain flavors, driving, trees, and the sky are all things as aspects of life at home that I missed....

Am I Homesick or Just Hot?

I missed very few things as much as I missed this cat. If I could have taken him with me, I would have never left the UK. I’ve been back in the states for almost a week now, and every day I find myself forgetting that I am not, in fact, still in England. I...