Italy Preparation

Italy Preparation

I still cannot believe I will be studying abroad in Italy for the entire month of July with the UA In Italy: Following Shakespeare faculty-led program. My group and I start the adventure in Venice and end in Rome, visiting three or more cities in between. I know that...
While in China

While in China

Processed with VSCO with f2 preset In China, the government blocks all access to Western media, including google, and many other sites. So, I wasn’t able to post any blogs while there. Better late than never, right?  Before our arrival in China, we had many...

Returning Home

Trying to comprehend how 4 months swiftly passed me by is mind boggling, yet beautiful. My time in Mexico cannot be explained in the way that I want because it opened the door for me to reach new heights and achieve things I never thought I would achieve. I am...

Living in London

Living in the United Kingdom has been eye opening I would say. I have seen, eaten, and tried so many new things. From visiting Hampton Court, to exploring the Victoria-Albert Museum, attending so many productions (experimental, theatre, dance, and music), and even...

Spanish Immersion

In the weeks leading up to my semester abroad, I had a a lot of worries running through my mind, but above all, I was nervous about “culture shock.” It seemed as though I couldn’t escape that term, as warnings flew at me from every direction whether...

March Madness

The month of March has been one full of travel! I’ve been somewhere new each week! I went to Belfast with AIFS (included in my program fee) for the first weekend of March. When we arrived in Belfast, we went on a bus tour of the city. We saw the Peace Wall, Samson and...

My Trip to Bali

  During my time in Australia, I had the opportunity to travel to Bali, Indonesia. It was just a little over a 5 hour flight from Sydney. I was excited because it was going to be my first time ever in Asia. Traveling with me were three other girlfriends in my...
Foreign Places Known

Foreign Places Known

This picture was taken in May 2016, on my first trip to Mexico. 🙂 The truth is, I did not choose to study abroad this semester – studying abroad chose me. I did not choose to return to school for a graduate program – that chose me as well. After being accepted in to...

My heart is here!

Wow! I can not believe I have been in England over a month already. The time is really flying by as I stay busy with school and traveling on the weekends. I still love all my housemates and look forward to going to the dining hall with them for dinner every night...

Greetings from Costa Rica

I’ve been in Costa Rica for a whole month now and honestly, it has been amazing. I can’t say enough good things about my experience here. I am staying in a very rural area at a research facility run by Texas A&M. It is on the edge of a rainforest and...

Off to Australia

I chose to study abroad in Australia. Why Australia? All my friends asked numerous times… Well…. I just wanted to. I have always had an immense calling to towards the Australian culture, beaches, social scene. Everything about Australians I have always loved. When I...

Buongiorno, Torino!

Just about a week to go and then I’ll be in the air headed for northern Italy! It all seems so surreal right now that I’m not sure I’ll really believe it until we touch down in Turin and I check in to my dorm/home for the next five months. This has...

Going to Ghana

Hello! My name is Kelly Muston. I am a Master of Social Work student. I will be completing an international internship in Ghana in the Spring of 2019. I would like to say that I have some amazing motivation behind why I chose to study abroad, but it just is not true....
On The Shoulders of Giants

On The Shoulders of Giants

“This grave contains all that was Mortal of a Young English Poet Who on his Death Bed, in the Bitterness of his Heart at the Malicious Power of his Enemies Desired these Words to be engraven on his Tomb Stone: Here lies One Whose Name was writ in Water. 24 February...

Dia duit!

My name is Blake, and I’m studying abroad at the University of Limerick in Ireland. For those that are wondering, “dia duit” is Gaelic for “God be with you,” which is how people say “hello” in Ireland. The past three weeks...