Preparing for Ireland

Preparing for Ireland

Preparing for studying abroad can be a daunting task, but it helps to know what to buy and pack. I chose to study abroad in Ireland on a 2.5 week faculty-led course and spend the rest of the month of June in Europe with my family. I managed to pack for 5 weeks in a...
End of an Era

End of an Era

It’s June 18th and I just arrived at the airport to start my 12-hour flight home. Unfortunately flying back home adds more time than when I was flying to London. We left the hotel at 6 am sharp so I had to wake up at 5:20 am because I saved my packing for the...
Coming to an End

Coming to an End

Today is June 14th and on the agenda for today is to go have lunch at clink prison. Here I am going to experience what life inside a prison is like as I will have servers who are inmates, and I will get to ask them questions and get to know them. I have about 4 days...
Pre Departure 

Pre Departure 

Growing up I think I wanted to study abroad before I even decided I wanted to go to school. I’ve loved traveling ever since I went to Europe with my grandparents in 2013. While it was such a fun and relaxing experience it was also very educational, and I was so...
Going home…

Going home…

Hi again everyone! I’m honestly sad to say that I am writing this as I am on the plane to return home. It’s gonna be a long 9 hours so I figured it was time for some reflections. I was terrified to go to Madrid (like, really terrified). I chose to do a...
2 Days in Bangkok

2 Days in Bangkok

The last leg of our Southeast Asian adventure was Thailand. I visit Thai Basil Sushi II in Tuscaloosa at least once a week for the Massaman curry, so to say I was excited would be a gross understatement. As soon as the plane touched down in Bangkok, I had “One...