Preparing to Tour Italy

Apple pie, white picket fences, football, and the land of the free. This is some of the few basic American things I have experienced growing up in the United States. The closest thing to going out of the country I have experienced was driving over the one mile pond...

Weekends At Home

When I first arrived in Italy, I was excited not only about being in Italy but I was equally thrilled about quick and cheap access to the rest of Europe. As most people do, I made quick friends and planned trips here and there whenever I could manage. I think I was...

Springtime in Paris

Today was the first day that I was truly able to experience spring in Paris. I found myself standing amidst blossoming cherry trees and various kinds of blooming flowers on my walk from the Champs-Élysées to the bridge of Alexander the 3rd. I was not here alone, as I...

Flying Alone

  If you’ve never been on extended trip away from your family (vacation or otherwise), know that there are a number of factors to consider prior to your arrival in the country in which you have chosen to study. In my case, I chose to study the legacy of...

Metropolitan Comparisons

These past few weeks have provided me with the opportunity to travel to a couple other large metropolitan areas of Europe, specifically Munich and Barcelona. Despite being in the same time zone and just a few hours from each other by plane or train, each feels vastly...

Out of Place in Paris

After over twelve-hours of total flight time, accompanied by a nine-hour time change, I arrived in Paris in the late afternoon. I was dirty, hungry, and tired, but my journey had just begun. Upon arrival in Paris, I found myself struggling to adapt to the language...

Semester in London

This time tomorrow I will be settling in my dorm room in at London South Bank University. It’s always been a passion of mine to travel, and I’m so excited that I finally have the opportunity to live my dream. I picked London because it’s so historical and European...