Life Across the Pond

Life Across the Pond

Once I stepped off the plane at London Gatwick, I felt as if I was in the middle of dream. Everything was different. The people talked funny and the signs I had to follow were different than the ones in America. Flash forward almost an entire month and I still feel as...

Bitter Sweet

Now that I’m back home I can take a huge sigh of relief. Although I will miss Paris extremely, I was missing being home even much more. Paris, at the time, was having a lot of issues with their labor laws and a protest was occurring every other day to the point...

Bye Bye Paris

My trip has unfortunately come to an end. I honestly do not know if I was ready to leave or not. Leaving Paris was so bittersweet. I really and truly missed my family, but the things I learned while abroad will forever stick with me. Sure, I learned a lot about Public...

J’aime Paris

When I first arrived to Paris, France I was definitely the ideal tourist. I had my phone out at every moment, gazing at the beauty of the city, making sure to capture every aspect. I was beyond ready to indulge in the French culture. I must say that I wasn’t too...

Back Home

Being back in the States is great and strange, all at the same time. I enjoy being with my family in Florida and catching up with people who I haven’t seen since January. However, I do miss the Florence way of life. While walking everywhere in Florence, Italy...

La Vita in Italia

Ciao from Italy! It has been a little over a month since I arrived in Florence, which is hard to believe. Time seems to be passing quicker than I could’ve imagined. But I am loving every minute of it! When I stepped off the plane at the Florence airport on...