by Spencer Main | May 15, 2017 | Comm & Info Sciences, Europe, Exchange, Semester
Once I stepped off the plane at London Gatwick, I felt as if I was in the middle of dream. Everything was different. The people talked funny and the signs I had to follow were different than the ones in America. Flash forward almost an entire month and I still feel as...
by Lane S | Feb 23, 2017 | Australia/New Zealand, Comm & Info Sciences, Faculty-Led, Semester, _
In March I will be traveling around New Zealand as a photographer for Alpine Living magazine; a publication I have dreamed of working on since the magazine was handed to me during orientation. It was after seeing this award-winning publication that I knew I made the...
by Ariana F | Aug 3, 2016 | Comm & Info Sciences, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer
Now that I’m back home I can take a huge sigh of relief. Although I will miss Paris extremely, I was missing being home even much more. Paris, at the time, was having a lot of issues with their labor laws and a protest was occurring every other day to the point...
by Christina I | Jun 24, 2016 | Comm & Info Sciences, Europe, Exchange, Semester
I’ll start off this blog post with a cliché but oh-so-true sentence: Studying abroad was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I saw so many amazing places, met so many amazing people, and made memories to last a lifetime. Through ups and downs I...
by Amanda G | Jun 24, 2016 | Comm & Info Sciences, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer
This month has been the fastest, longest, most amazing month of my life. Studying abroad in Paris has given me so opportunities, experiences and friendships that will last a lifetime. Looking back over this past month, there are so many cool things that I’ve...
by Imani M | Jun 23, 2016 | Comm & Info Sciences, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer
My trip has unfortunately come to an end. I honestly do not know if I was ready to leave or not. Leaving Paris was so bittersweet. I really and truly missed my family, but the things I learned while abroad will forever stick with me. Sure, I learned a lot about Public...
by Amanda G | Jun 22, 2016 | Comm & Info Sciences, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer
One great thing about studying abroad in Europe is that there are so many amazing places to visit that are all just a short plane or train ride away. Last weekend we took a weekend vacation to Barcelona, which was a nice break from all the rain that we’ve been...
by Amanda G | Jun 22, 2016 | Comm & Info Sciences, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer
While there are so many fun experiences that we’ve had in Paris, academics are of course a big part of our experience. Although our classes are in Paris, we are taught by UA professors. Each morning our classes start at 11 a.m., and our private cars pick us up...
by Imani M | Jun 15, 2016 | Comm & Info Sciences, Europe, Faculty-Led, Human Environmental Sciences, Summer
School Once we settled into Paris for a few days, the reality hit: school. I was excited because I was very familiar with the teachers and their personalities. I was always down to learn a little about Public Relations. I was taking two classes during the day, and one...
by Ariana F | Jun 15, 2016 | Comm & Info Sciences, Europe, Summer, UA-Affiliate
When I first arrived to Paris, France I was definitely the ideal tourist. I had my phone out at every moment, gazing at the beauty of the city, making sure to capture every aspect. I was beyond ready to indulge in the French culture. I must say that I wasn’t too...
by Julia T | Jun 15, 2016 | Arts & Sciences, Comm & Info Sciences, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer
When the Italian department announced that Italian would officially become a major at Alabama there were two things I knew I had to do. The first thing was to declare Italian as my second major and the second thing was to study abroad in Italy. My passion for Italian...
by Alaina | Jun 15, 2016 | Comm & Info Sciences, Europe, Semester, UA-Affiliate
Being back in the States is great and strange, all at the same time. I enjoy being with my family in Florida and catching up with people who I haven’t seen since January. However, I do miss the Florence way of life. While walking everywhere in Florence, Italy...
by Amanda G | Jun 14, 2016 | Comm & Info Sciences, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer
Studying Abroad in Paris, France When we first arrived in Paris, France it was a bit overwhelming after flying all night, but once we started to drive through the streets of Paris I was overcome with the excitement of seeing what would be my new home for the next...
by Ariana F | May 9, 2016 | Comm & Info Sciences, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer
Last summer, many of my sorority sisters were fortunate enough to study abroad for the summer. Prior to their departure I asked many questions, inquiring about the process in which I should take in order to hopefully indulge in the same experience the...
by Christina I | May 2, 2016 | Comm & Info Sciences, Europe, Exchange, Semester
One of the best perks of Study Abroad is the Abroad part of the experience, especially the travel abroad. By choosing to go to school at Leicester University, I had the opportunity to pack my life in a backpack for a five week Easter break. I did...
by Hunter B | Apr 28, 2016 | Australia/New Zealand, Comm & Info Sciences, Commerce & Business, Exchange, Semester
It’s absolutely crazy to me to think that I have already been in Australia for over a month! The time sure does fly out here… And what an exciting month it has been! One of the cool things about college (or as the Aussies call it, “uni”) in...
by Courtney M | Mar 25, 2016 | Comm & Info Sciences, Europe, Semester, UA-Affiliate
The very, very first word that came to thought when I walked up the metro steps and met my new city was the world clean. Barcelona was very… clean. I was expecting more of a New York City type deal, and there was literally no resemblance at all. The streets...
by Christina I | Mar 24, 2016 | Comm & Info Sciences, Europe, Exchange, Semester
Hello, my name is Christina Irion, and I am going to share my experience with preparing for my Exchange experience. I knew from my freshman year that I wanted to take the opportunity to study abroad before I graduated. I was unsure of the place or time...
by Alaina | Mar 24, 2016 | Comm & Info Sciences, Europe, Semester, UA-Affiliate
Ciao from Italy! It has been a little over a month since I arrived in Florence, which is hard to believe. Time seems to be passing quicker than I could’ve imagined. But I am loving every minute of it! When I stepped off the plane at the Florence airport on...
by Courtney M | Jan 7, 2016 | Comm & Info Sciences, Europe, Semester, UA-Affiliate
I grew up near the oldest city in America, St. Augustine. There is a vibrant array of Spanish culture in St. Aug, which really pushed my interest in studying abroad to Barcelona, Spain. In addition, I had taken a handful of Spanish classes in Middle and High School,...