Italian Adventures Awaiting

The last time I was in another country was in 2011, for a mission trip in Costa Rica. It was an incredible experience, serving the people of Upala, in the mountainous part of the upper region. It was an experience of a lifetime, serving the amazing people of Costa...

Irish Memories

I just wanted to use this first blog to introduce what my trip was all about and add a couple details about our first days abroad. For almost the entire month of May, I went on a faculty-led study abroad trip with the University of Alabama for Data Analytics and...

City of Dreams

It’s been 2 days since I’ve been home, and I’m already trying to find ways to get myself back to the UK. It’s nice to be back home and see my family and friends, who I missed dearly, but the past month went by fast, too fast, and now it seems like it was all just a...

T-24 hours until India!

As I write this at 1 pm on July 14, 2015, I’m realizing that in EXACTLY 24 HOURS from now I’ll be at the Richmond airport, beginning my journey to India. I’m feeling a combination of anxiety, excitement, and eagerness to land in Delhi and meet up with my fellow...

London Calling

  As I sit and stare at the pile of clothes on my bedroom floor I wonder how I could have let this happen. Its 2 am and my flight leaves in 6 hours. I haven’t put one thing in my suitcase. How does a college student from Alabama pack for London for a month?...

Arrivederci Italia

I cannot believe I am already packing my bags and preparing for finals. In some ways it seems like I just left the United States but in other ways it feels like I have been gone forever and have no idea what songs are even popular at home. Luckily I have all summer to...

The Halfway Mark

I’ve currently been in shock that I have already been here two months and I have midterm exams this week! This trip so far has been amazing and has opened my eyes to such a different way of life. My political science classes here have taught me that Europe has...

Temporary Italian

I’ve been in Europe for just one week now and I still seem to think I am on vacation instead of actually getting to live here for four months! My first stop was England where I wanted to speak to every person just to hear their amazing accents! Then I moved on to...