Sad Seoul

안녕 Sitting in a coffee shop in the middle of Seoul and finally realizing that in exactly a month, I will be back in Alabama, is filling me with nothing but sadness. It seems impossible that four months have already passed of my study abroad experience, and it is now...

Post Barcelona

Thoughts and Feelings – When it was time to leave my host family, I woke up early and started off the morning packing then waited as the house came alive. I remember my host brother, Alex, coming in my room and saying, “You are one of the students that I...

Don’t Blink

As I lay in my bed the night before I leave to go back home, the only thing that fills my head are the unforgettable memories of the last 6 months. One of the reasons why I chose to go to London is because I thought it would be the most similar for me so I...
Last Day in London

Last Day in London

As I sit here in the London Heathrow Airport reflecting on the past six months that I have spent here, I am overcome with emotions. The past half year flew by so quickly, it actually feels like I should be landing here in Heathrow from America not leaving for good. I...

El fin

And just like that, it’s over. The day I’ve dreaded is here, taking me by the hand, yanking me to a place I don’t wish to go. I write this with a cloudy mind, misty eyes, somewhere over the Atlantic. I write this with an inexplicable heaviness,...

Back Home

Being back in the States is great and strange, all at the same time. I enjoy being with my family in Florida and catching up with people who I haven’t seen since January. However, I do miss the Florence way of life. While walking everywhere in Florence, Italy...

Learning How to Speak Again

“Ano….Sumimasen, ichi onegai shimasu”. I said confidently to the staff member behind the counter. I knew she would understand what I was saying. A little cavemanish, but definitely passable, or so I thought. Oh no, she was giving me that look, that look I had seen so...

Almost Over

I’ve officially finished my course studies in Dublin and bittersweet doesn’t begin to cover it. I’ve managed to spend the last four months seeing every piece of Europe I could, and I’m not done yet! Although I didn’t know a soul in the...

Exam Advice

I have about two and a half weeks left here in Edinburgh. I have taken two out of my three final exams so I feel confident enough to share a bit of advice about the exam process. For starters, all courses that have exams (except courses that have never been taught...

When in Dominican

My first impression upon arrival was a bit of a culture shock. When we landed in the airport, which is much different than our state airports, it was very colorful filled with art and murals. The signs were all in Spanish, so I had to quickly try to remember my 4...