The Week before Dublin

Nervousness. Excitement. Restless. Stressed. There are a tornado of emotions that could be used to describe the week before departure. I am constantly fluctuating from one to the other trying never quite finding a balance. There is so much to do: packing, goodbyes,...

Goodbye Prague

The semester has come to an end and now I have to say goodbye to the most amazing people and most beautiful city in the world. This semester has been filled with excitement, adventure, and beautiful sites. My choice of Prague to study abroad was the best decision I...

Saying Goodbye

Saying goodbye to Cologne was probably the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do…even though I’m coming back. My last day was the day of the Christmas advent celebration at my school so I got an extra double dose of German goodness before departing....

New Routines

Whether it comes on all at once or in a steady progression, you soak in the culture of your host country. You don’t have to eagerly dive in head first to find yourself picking up the mannerisms and habits of everyone else around you- it’s inevitable and crucial to...

John’s Visit

What’s up Bama nation! So my good friend John Fredericksen decided to hop on a plane and come check out Barcelona. The weather was dismal, he was sick as a dog, and his new iPhone 6+ got stolen his first night here, but man did we have a good time. I showed him...

Down To The Wire

There are only 3 days left of this 100 day adventure in Berlin, Germany. There were many times that it felt like I had been abroad for a lifetime and was never leaving but now as I start to pack, I cannot believe that the time has come to an end. Looking back on my 3...

Good Bye for now South Africa!

I’ve been back in the USA for two days now. The jet lag is ferocious, but I am glad to be home. It was bittersweet leaving a place that has become so close to my heart. The sensations I felt seeing my loved ones was so strong, but so are the feelings for those...

Life So Far in Köln

I can’t believe that I’ve only been in Cologne, Germany for three months. It feels like a lifetime. When I first arrived I was overwhelmed but excited. I was ready to learn. I was ready to take on new challenges. Now, I feel much more settled into my...


You know the moment when you realize you’re in love? Personally I’ve never experienced it, but the movies have to be a pretty great indication of how it happens. The typical story of the girl who has had the guy there for all this time and just when she realizes that...