As my time here in London has increased I have loved it more and more. The people, the food, the entertainment, and everything in between never gets old and there is constantly something new and exciting happening! The first week of school has been challenging...

What’s up Roll Tide Nation,   Well I waited almost a week to do my next entry. So many apologies from me. My excitement upon arrival left me with almost no down time. And though my tone right now sounds temperate in a way, my excitement to dig into this entry and...

When in Africa

First Impressions – What were your first impressions when you arrived in your host country? What thoughts were running through your head? How did you feel? What situations/experiences did you encounter when you first arrived? What was new/different/interesting? What...

Sweet Home Africa

Fall of my senior year at Alabama my best friend Sarah Justus, also a Music Education undergraduate, told me about the COST program (The Consortium for Overseas Student Teaching). The thought of teaching abroad terrified me. I imagined the worst–being alone,...

Willkommen in Köln!

Hello from Cologne, Germany! My name is Chelsey, I’m a senior, and I will be student teaching in this great city until December first. I arrived in late August, after a crazy almost-24-hours of traveling, and have been settling into my new life since then. How...

Getting There.

How long have I been imagining this? I can assure you it has been a more substantial period of time than your average 20 year old dwells on these sorts of things. I remember sitting in my first Spanish class in 7th grade, simply obsessed with every new word that...

The Death of a Cat

Yesterday at 3 am, Cuchufli, a cat of one and a half years, died. Cuchufli was struck by a car, found by my host sister, and rushed to the hospital. He had suffered a fractured hip, among other things, and it was unclear if he would make it through the night. Sure...

10 more days!

Leaving to go to a foreign country not knowing a single person is thrilling and nerve racking but I couldn’t be more excited!!  This whole preparation process has been pretty low key and the positive support from everyone has been a huge help! The only challenges I’ve...

From Bama to Berlin!

Hello all, My name is Taylor Blevins and I am a senior at UA majoring in Elementary Education. Through the COST program I was able to attain an internship placement in Berlin, Germany. While here I will complete a placement in 6th grade as well as 2nd grade. The...

I’m coming for you, Florence!

Hi everyone! My name is Angela, and I’m a sophomore. My first year at Bama was fun, but I couldn’t help feel like I was missing out on something bigger than the typical college experience offered there. That’s when I turned to looking at study abroad...

Berlin or Bust!

Hello Everyone! My name is Natalie, and I am a Senior majoring in Elementary Education. I will be graduating from UA in December and have decided to complete my final semester abroad! As an education major, my last semester is known as my teaching internship, where...

Pre-departure…South Africa!

  I chose to study abroad because I have always loved to travel. Ever since freshman year of college, I have had the desire to study abroad. I have talked to numerous students who have done it and every single one had a great experience. Everyone talked to kept...

Countdown to Lift-Off

I have officially been in Auckland, New Zealand for two weeks now.  It’s really flown by; only twelve weeks left and I wish I had more!  Before I begin to write about my pre-departure thoughts and emotions, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Sarah, and I...