Ghana Bound

Ghana Bound

I’m excited and nervous. It has been a lifelong dream of mine to study abroad, but life got in the way and prevented me from fulfilling my dreams. With my daughter being an adult and a college student herself, I thought it was a perfect time for me to have this...
Fighting Jet Lag

Fighting Jet Lag

My study abroad opportunity was not only my first study abroad, but also my first time ever leaving the United States. I had so many questions about what to bring and what to prepare for, but it is very easy to remember what the best piece of advice I received was....
Chatty Americans

Chatty Americans

“Americans are so talkative and friendly—people here don’t just chat with everyone they meet”. This was a comment I got on the train to London at 4 a.m., after spending the past hour talking to someone from the area about everything from economics to music. It was a...
Tips from an Overpacker

Tips from an Overpacker

I am a chronic overpacker. There’s no getting around it. I always find myself leaving home with a bag bursting at the seams, hoping desperately I don’t have to open it and somehow manage to achieve the miracle of zipping it shut a second time. Unfortunately, this is a...
Political Encounters

Political Encounters

If you have been on the Internet for any length of time, you have no doubt experienced a sharp divide between European and American users. One can often find the two groups arguing about food, stereotypes, tourism, and most often and most divisively; politics. No...