Africa Awaits

“A ship is always safe at shore, but that’s not what it’s built for.” -Albert Einstein I have officially committed to my Spring 2019 field placement in Ghana, West Africa. You would not even begin to believe the emotions I am trying to contain....

And off she went, to change the world

The day before I left to start this amazing journey, I felt as if my heart would explode with all of these emotions that I couldn’t express. I was excited to experience a different culture, I was excited to meet my host family. However, I was also nervous about the...

Zambia Has My Heart

I miss Africa. I miss the people. I miss the culture. I miss the genuine happiness that everyone carried. It has now been 3 months since my trip to Zambia and I miss it more and more with each day that goes by. Those people will never know the impact that they have...

Morocco is home

I finished my study abroad program in Meknes, Morocco on July 27th. I ended the ten week program with dozens of new friends, four “A” grades, a working knowledge of French and Arabic (إن شاء الله) and a new perspective on life. On July 28th, my brother met me in...

Big Al in Person

Saying goodbye to the people of Zambia was very sad. The last day of clinic we had to turn away the most people we had all week. It was the hardest thing for us all to say we could not help everyone but as we left we dropped off our extra medicine at a pharmacy for...

4 days & 1,570 people

I am halfway through my medical trip in Zambia and all I can say is WOW! This beautiful country is full of beautiful and smiling people. We arrived and met some of the translators we would be working with at the clinics and those were the first Zambian people we met...

Life in Mumbwa, Zambia

We have just arrived to our first school and my first impression of this place is overwhelming. My heart is broken to see the conditions that most people live in, but my attitude quickly changed from sadness to awe. These people may not have much but their smile is...

Changing Lives in Zambia

We made it! We have arrived in Mumbwa, Zambia and today was our first day setting up a mobile clinic. My heart broke today as people lined the streets waiting for us to arrive to receive medical attention. We got to the local school, unloaded our supplies, and...

Here We Come Zambia!

Coming to UA, I never really saw myself leaving the state of Alabama. Alabama is home to me and I grew up just 2 hours north of Title Town. I always heard people talk about their adventures in Spain or Italy and the amazing experiences they had abroad, but I never...

Up Up and…17 hour flight away

Hello all!! This is my first ever blog post, so here goes nothing. I just finished my senior year! Yay class of 2018! So you might be asking yourself, why is this person going on a study abroad and paying for an additional class that is not needed to graduate? The...
Beware of Baboons

Beware of Baboons

For my final weekend adventure in Ghana, I chose to fly to the Northern Region to Mole National Park.  The northern part of Ghana is very different from the area I lived and worked in and I was told by many Ghanaians that to truly experience Ghana, I needed to see...