by Victoria T | Apr 27, 2018 | Africa, Internship, Semester, Social Work
With our weekends free, we have been able to explore a great deal of Ghana’s beauty. One of our favorite places to visit is Cape Coast, which is a historic fishing town with beautiful beaches. We were able to stay right on the beach in an eclectic brightly colored...
by Victoria T | Apr 27, 2018 | Africa, Internship, Semester, Social Work
I chose to study abroad because I believe there is only so much that can be learned through our own cultural lens. I have learned the most in life when immersed in conversations and experiences with individuals who view the world in a different way than I do....
by Caylee O | Jan 17, 2018 | Africa, Arts & Sciences, Semester, UA-Affiliate, _
If you had told me four years ago that I’d be spending my last undergraduate semester in Tanzania, I probably wouldn’t have believed you. I knew that I was going to do everything in my power to study abroad, but given that my minor is Spanish, I aspired to study in a...
by Mary Emily T | Oct 30, 2017 | Africa, Asia, Commerce & Business, Europe, Semester, UA-Affiliate, _
This summer I have visited 3 countries, and several different cities within Italy. Prior to this summer, I had never been out of the continental United States, it has been a bit different than the last 21 summers to say the least. During my third weekend away from...
by Asia C | Jul 25, 2017 | Africa, Arts & Sciences, By College, Duration, Program Type, Region, Summer, UA-Affiliate
Now that I am back from Ghana, I feel fulfilled. I feel accomplished that I was able to travel the world all by myself and return safely. I feel as if my stay in Ghana was not long enough. I absolutely loved that country. The food, people, and just overall environment...
by Charlotte M | Jul 24, 2017 | Africa, Arts & Sciences, Faculty-Led, Summer, _
Not but three days ago, I left Ghanaian soil with more fulfillment of medical and cultural knowledge than I ever wished for. Most especially, I believe my conversation with the Ghanaian man that sat next to me on the plane ride home was a special summation of all I...
by Charlotte M | Jul 7, 2017 | Africa, Arts & Sciences, Community Health Sciences, Faculty-Led, Social Work, Summer
Pre-departure: Why did you choose to study abroad? What factors (year in school, location, etc.) played into your decision? What key things did you have to consider before deciding to go abroad? A brilliant man, my father longed for the expansion of his...
by Charlotte M | Jul 7, 2017 | Africa, Arts & Sciences, Community Health Sciences, Faculty-Led, Summer, _
While Abroad We have taken several excursions while in Ghana. Each time, I am taken aback by how lively our discoveries and experiences are while adventuring. I go into each weekend excursion without expectation, merely because I have no relative idea of how the...
by Asia C | Jun 28, 2017 | Africa, Arts & Sciences, Summer, UA-Affiliate, _
My time here in Ghana has been such an amazing experience. The country is very peaceful and I would love to come back one day. As soon as I stepped off the plane in Ghana everything was different. The weather is very humid. My first impression of Ghana was not what I...
by Almosa P | Jun 2, 2017 | Africa, Arts & Sciences, Faculty-Led, Summer, _
While I enjoyed my time away, I was happy to come home. There were trivial things that I missed such as Netflix and Heinz ketchup, but there were also a number of substantial issues that made me eager to return to the US. Their current President Zuma is perhaps an...
by Almosa P | Jun 2, 2017 | Africa, Arts & Sciences, Faculty-Led, Summer, _
As an American, my mind has of course been saturated with American brands, products, and media. However, I never fully considered what kind of impact American marketing could have on people around the world. Between a long layover in Germany and my time spent in South...
by Asia C | Jun 2, 2017 | Africa, Arts & Sciences, Summer, UA-Affiliate, _
As the time for my departure is winding down, the only thing I can think about is how far I have come as a student and as an individual. Never would I have thought I would have the opportunity to study abroad. I chose to study abroad because my goal is to challenge...
by Almosa P | May 15, 2017 | Africa, Arts & Sciences, Faculty-Led, Summer, _
If you’ve never been on extended trip away from your family (vacation or otherwise), know that there are a number of factors to consider prior to your arrival in the country in which you have chosen to study. In my case, I chose to study the legacy of...
by Mackenzie L | May 15, 2017 | Africa, Arts & Sciences, By College, Community Health Sciences, Education, Non-traditional, Program Type, Social Work, Summer, UA-Affiliate, _
Hi y’all, It is important to know that prior to Spain, I studied abroad in Cape Town, South Africa for 5 weeks. It was amazing and I loved it. The decision to study abroad in South Africa greatly influenced the decision to study abroad in Madrid, Spain. I chose...
by Lucy E | Mar 29, 2017 | Africa, Nursing, _
We went to a government funded clinic in a town about 5 hours away from where we are staying today. There were a lot of people gathered outside when we arrived, I think they knew we were coming. I was put in the assessment group and we did a quick assessment of the...
by Lucy E | Dec 14, 2016 | Africa, Faculty-Led, Nursing, Summer
I have one more day in T-town before I set off to Ethiopia! I got back from Serbia two weeks ago and the travel fever has set in since then.. I’m ready for my next adventure! I’ve got my 100% DEET insect repellent, my head scarf, my stethoscope etc. and...
by Lucy E | Sep 22, 2016 | Africa, Faculty-Led, Nursing, Summer
I have always thought it’s harder to come home than it is to depart for a new adventure. After being in Ethiopia, getting to know the culture, and helping run a clinic almost every day I am kind of at a loss of what to do with myself. I spend the first week back...
by Qiangfung F | Aug 23, 2016 | Africa, Arts & Sciences, Faculty-Led, Summer
The Elmina Castle And Slavery River With the sea wave fluttering the beach, everyone got up. Today is the first day we live in the Anomabo Beach Restore, which is the best place we lived so far. We listen the sound of the Atlantic Ocean everyday. After the breakfast,...
by Qiangfung F | Aug 19, 2016 | Africa, Arts & Sciences, Faculty-Led, Summer
Monkey Sanctuary With the sunrise of the morning, we stepped on the road to the monkey sanctuary.It was a long trip that we headed north part of Ghana for almost 4 hours. When the driver drove our van on the main street, I found that the deforest rate is significantly...
by Qiangfung F | Aug 16, 2016 | Africa, Arts & Sciences, Faculty-Led, Summer
African Traditional Religion With the sunrise of Kumasi into the room we lived, everyone got up and headed down to eat the breakfast. The flavor of Kumasi’s breakfast is a little bit different from the breakfast in Sunyani. The breakfast here has the sausage, which...