by Kurt A | Sep 22, 2016 | Asia, Engineering, Semester, UA-Affiliate
It’s always interesting returning to your own country after being abroad, but it’s especially interesting whenever you return after such a long time. Living in another country changes you subtly, day by day, in really small ways that you can’t see until you hit...
by Madison K | Sep 22, 2016 | Asia, Community Health Sciences, Human Environmental Sciences, Semester, UA-Affiliate
-White shirt buttoned up all the way, black skirt to your knee, black belt, and a collar pin- thats the dress code. In college they are making us wear a uniform. It is Alabama summer hot every day and will be for months, and we have to wear a button up shirt. You...
by Erin B | Aug 19, 2016 | Arts & Sciences, Asia, Faculty-Led, Summer
I’ve been home from my time in China for a while now and I must say, I miss it. I never would have imagined missing a country so different from my own with people so different from myself. By the end of my trip, I definitely was ready to come back to the United...
by Lindsey Zimmer | Aug 17, 2016 | Asia, Faculty-Led, Nursing, Summer
Wow. I’ve been home from East Asia for a couple weeks, and in that time I’ve had the chance to reflect on all that I saw and learned while abroad. I’m definitely missing the city I was in, the family and group of nationals that we worked with each...
by Juan C | Aug 12, 2016 | Asia, Commerce & Business, Faculty-Led, Summer
As I begin to pack for my trip across the globe, I can’t help but feel both excitement and a slight sense of apprehension. I know that great adventures await me in India, a country that in my mind is as unique as it is distant. Its culture and customs are highly...
by Megan B | Aug 3, 2016 | Arts & Sciences, Asia, Europe, Semester, UA Non-Affiliate
I’ve been home for about a while now and I’m getting ready to head back to Alabama for the fall. So I have used this time to reflect on my time in Russia. Now it seems so far away and its weird to think that I’ve spent a semester there. At first I wasn’t sure...
by Erin B | Jul 28, 2016 | Arts & Sciences, Asia, Faculty-Led, Summer
I am in the throngs of my China trip and, miraculously, nothing terrible has happened. No earthquakes, no kidnappings, no allergic reaction, I began to feel like I was on top of the world! The fact that I stared my anxiety down in the face and came on this trip was...
by Jessie L | Jul 27, 2016 | Asia, Commerce & Business, Faculty-Led, Summer
Right when I landed back in the US, I still couldn’t get my head wrapped around how I’ve been away for a month. I knew that once I got home I’d be behind in my friend’s life and my families, even though we tried to talk every day, it was limited due to the internet I...
by Kurt A | Jul 27, 2016 | Asia, Engineering, Semester, UA-Affiliate
Studying abroad is one of the best learning experiences for a student out there. It can teach a person so many different things. Not just about the world at large, but about themselves as well. One of the biggest skills I have noticed that many students learn, is...
by Erin B | Jul 27, 2016 | Arts & Sciences, Asia, Faculty-Led, Summer
“I’m going to China.” I have been repeating this mantra in my mind since I decided to go on this trip back in November. Frankly, I don’t even know how I ended up here. I was simply walking out of my Chinese 101 class when my teacher said, “You should go to China.” My...
by Linnet K | Jul 12, 2016 | Asia, Commerce & Business, Exchange, Semester
안녕 Sitting in a coffee shop in the middle of Seoul and finally realizing that in exactly a month, I will be back in Alabama, is filling me with nothing but sadness. It seems impossible that four months have already passed of my study abroad experience, and it is now...
by Jessie L | Jun 30, 2016 | Asia, Commerce & Business, Faculty-Led, Summer
Whenever I told anyone I was going to China, I always got a similar reaction from everyone, “why there?” Everyone assumes that China is not a place to travel to, that it’s dirty and the people don’t know English, so why even go there. But I knew never to judge a place...
by Chandlar F | Jun 14, 2016 | Asia, Faculty-Led, Nursing, Summer
When I entered school at The University of Alabama, I wanted to study abroad more than anything. But after finding out that with the nursing curriculum couldn’t be transferred abroad, I gave up that dream. Then I found out about the Medical Abroad trips and knew...
by Lindsey Zimmer | Jun 14, 2016 | Asia, Faculty-Led, Nursing, Summer
Traveling. It’s something I’ve always loved. Jesus. He’s someone I’ve always loved. Nursing. It’s something I’ve come to love. Now let’s throw those three things into a pot and mix them all together. During the fall semester...
by Jessie L | Jun 14, 2016 | Asia, Commerce & Business, Faculty-Led, Summer
It was just less than a month ago I finished a big chapter in my life, freshman year. I just finished unpacking two days ago, and now I started up again for this new adventure, studying abroad to China! I feel that I am decently prepared for going abroad because after...
by Kurt A | May 24, 2016 | Asia, Engineering, Semester, UA-Affiliate
“Ano….Sumimasen, ichi onegai shimasu”. I said confidently to the staff member behind the counter. I knew she would understand what I was saying. A little cavemanish, but definitely passable, or so I thought. Oh no, she was giving me that look, that look I had seen so...
by Megan B | Feb 15, 2016 | Arts & Sciences, Asia, Europe, Semester, UA-Affiliate
I can’t believe that I’ll be going to Russia next week. It is so weird not to be at Alabama with all of my friends, but I am very excited about studying abroad. I have always wanted to visit Russia so last summer I began taking Russian classes here at Alabama with the...
by Linnet K | Jan 7, 2016 | Asia, Commerce & Business, Exchange, Semester
안녕 – (anyong) – hello/goodbye In less than two months, I will be studying abroad at Yonsei University, one of the top 3 universities in Seoul, South Korea. Honestly, the preparation that came with trying to study abroad was enough to distract me from the actual...
by Jami L | Aug 19, 2015 | Asia, Faculty-Led, Nursing, Summer
Though my time in Cambodia was nearing its end I was experiencing mixed emotions about leaving the country that had been my home for the last 10 days. It was hot in Cambodia – my sweat glands had become little orifices of Niagara Falls. I wanted to see my...
by Sheela K | Aug 17, 2015 | Asia, Commerce & Business, Faculty-Led, Summer
Wow, it’s been almost a week since we’ve been back in the States and I’m still in shock with how well the trip went. It is honestly such a good feeling to come back from a three week trip that we’ve been dreaming about for a year now, knowing that it went WAY better...