by Virginia R | Jul 10, 2018 | Arts & Sciences, Australia/New Zealand, Faculty-Led, Summer
…So what extraordinary things will you make happen here? Looking through a tiny oval window on the plane I could only begin to imagine the extraordinary things but seeing the lush, green rolling mountains, I knew I was already in love. When I think of New...
by Virginia R | Jul 9, 2018 | Australia/New Zealand, Europe, Faculty-Led, Summer
Travel and exploring the unknown is possibly one of the most exciting things in life. I have always had a passion for traveling and exploring new cultures. So, when I saw the option to study abroad I was ecstatic! Now I could not only see new places and things but...
by Mary D | Jul 5, 2018 | Australia/New Zealand, Exchange, Law, Summer, UA-Affiliate
I have been in Australia for a week now, so I’m an expert on international travel, the study abroad experience, and mastering the nuances of a new culture. (This is a lie.) I intended to make this blog post much earlier, but it turns out preparing for a...
by Taylor D | Jun 23, 2018 | Australia/New Zealand, Duration, Faculty-Led, Program Type, Region, Summer
This trip has flown by, but at the same time I can completely believe that it has been two weeks. I have had such a wonderful time here, seeing new things and meeting new people, and even learning more about myself. When we first arrived I was actually rather...
by Taylor D | Jun 2, 2018 | Australia/New Zealand, Duration, Faculty-Led, Program Type, Region, Summer
It’s hard to believe that it’s almost here! I’m actually getting on a plane and flying to New Zealand tomorrow. There are a lot of things that factored into my decision to go abroad, but one of the biggest ones for me was my desire to understand how to better...
by Adrian S | Oct 30, 2017 | Australia/New Zealand, Faculty-Led, Law, Summer, _
While it is summer in The States, it is winter in the Southern Hemisphere. That being said, Australia is COLD! The weather has not stopped the fun, and it has certainly not kept me and my peers from exploring the beautiful nature and wildlife that Oz has to offer. I...
by Elayne Smith | May 15, 2017 | Australia/New Zealand, Comm & Info Sciences, Exchange, Semester
While the buzz of life on campus restarted, while my friends started filling their agendas and while others studying abroad started taking off for their adventure, I have been stuck in a weird kind of limbo. As a future exchange student at the Queensland University of...
by McKenzie M | Apr 3, 2017 | Australia/New Zealand, Exchange, Semester, _
Lemonade is actually sprite. Thongs are flip flops. Toasties are sandwiches. And everyone screams “Yeeew!” when they’re excited. Tim Tams are delicious and Aussie guys will make any girl swoon! This first week in Australia was nothing less than...
by Lane S | Feb 23, 2017 | Australia/New Zealand, Comm & Info Sciences, Faculty-Led, Semester, _
In March I will be traveling around New Zealand as a photographer for Alpine Living magazine; a publication I have dreamed of working on since the magazine was handed to me during orientation. It was after seeing this award-winning publication that I knew I made the...
by Amanda B | Jul 27, 2016 | Arts & Sciences, Australia/New Zealand, Summer, UA-Affiliate
Sydney and I did not meet on the best of terms. Sixteen hours of flying across the Pacific Ocean right after six hours of flying across the United States and only a couple hours of sleep doesn’t make for a great first impression on my part. But Sydney welcomed all of...
by Kaila | Jul 25, 2016 | Australia/New Zealand, Engineering, Semester, UA-Affiliate
I cannot believe the semester is over! Since I left in the middle of January, I have been abroad for 6 months. The time has flown by. Finals were way more stressful abroad than they were at home because each final was worth either 60 percent or 75 percent of my...
by Amanda B | Jun 14, 2016 | Arts & Sciences, Australia/New Zealand, Summer, UA-Affiliate
In just three short days I will be departing from my small PA suburb to fly to Sydney, Australia. Over a year ago as I spent hours researching which programs I was interested in, I came across this internship program in Sydney. And I laughed because it seemed...
by Kaila | May 12, 2016 | Australia/New Zealand, Engineering, Semester, UA-Affiliate
I cannot believe I only have two months left in New Zealand! The semester has flown by! I have been fortunate enough to travel around the south island of New Zealand almost every weekend with my friends. So far I have only spent 1 weekend in Dunedin, where I go to...
by Catherine H | May 2, 2016 | Arts & Sciences, Australia/New Zealand, Semester, UA-Affiliate
I’m not going to lie, the fact that English is the main language spoken in Australia, was a major reason for why I chose to study here. I took 3 years of honors Spanish in high school and still can’t put a sentence together, so I wanted to avoid the...
by Grace V | May 2, 2016 | Arts & Sciences, Australia/New Zealand, Semester, UA-Affiliate
I cannot believe it. I have been in living in London for three months. This trip has been so many things. Exciting, exhausting, exhilarating, and so much more. London has been beautiful and I have learned so much from it. Not only from my classes and my professors,...
by Hunter B | Apr 28, 2016 | Australia/New Zealand, Comm & Info Sciences, Commerce & Business, Exchange, Semester
It’s absolutely crazy to me to think that I have already been in Australia for over a month! The time sure does fly out here… And what an exciting month it has been! One of the cool things about college (or as the Aussies call it, “uni”) in...
by Kaila | Feb 15, 2016 | Australia/New Zealand, Engineering, Semester, UA-Affiliate
As I sat at the airport, a flood of emotion came over me. I was anxious, excited, nervous, and sad all at the same time. Saying goodbye to my friends and especially my parents was nearly impossible. I flew through security, which rarely ever happens, so I had a couple...
by Hunter B | Feb 15, 2016 | Australia/New Zealand, Commerce & Business, Exchange, Semester
“Australia?” (The past two months, I’ve been getting that response a lot.) “What are you going to be doing in Australia?” (I’ve always wanted to make up a fun story about fulfilling my dream of becoming a professional kangaroo rider or something.) After explaining...
by Ashley A | Aug 17, 2015 | Australia/New Zealand, Faculty-Led, Law, Summer
After a long 5 weeks, and over 34 hours of travel time, I’m finally back in Tuscaloosa. The end of my trip was spent with going-away dinners, presentations, exam prep, and all the last minute souvenir shopping that was expected so this is my first chance to...
by Tori C | Aug 7, 2015 | Australia/New Zealand, Commerce & Business, Summer, UA-Affiliate
Strap your ears and eyes in tightly, because they’re going for a ride in this post. Two months ago, I boarded a plane from Birmingham, Alabama, bound for Gold Coast, Australia. The flight time was 31 hours total, and I was so excited, I didn’t sleep the...