Bama Bloggers Abroad
Heart & Seoul: An Over Packer’s Guide to Packing
Embarking on a study abroad journey is an exhilarating experience, but the overwhelming task of packing can cast a shadow on the excitement. As someone who tends to overpack, my preparation for a...
Settling in to South Korea
Getting accustomed to life in South Korea while studying abroad has been quite an adventure. Not only do Korea and the United States have vastly different cultures, but adapting to a country where...
A Weekend in the Scottish Highlands
Somebody’s jacket hit me in the face. Twice. Some guy two rows up threw a piece of candy over my head. The guy behind me caught it. I know because I heard him cheer. Directly in my ear. When my...
Falling in love with Barcelona, especially the food!
As a student studying abroad in Barcelona, Spain, I have been completely fascinated by the city's charm and excitement. Barcelona truly has it all: the city, the mountains, the beach, and so much...
The reality of feeling homesick: Should I feel guilty?
Today marks exactly three weeks until I will be back in the United States. At this point in my program, I am beginning to be ready to be home. Sometimes when I feel like this, I feel a little guilty...
Month One Down!
Today marks one month since I've been living in Rome, Italy. This has been the most surreal experience of my life, but I have loved every minute of it thus far. I have class three days a week and...
Packing to go Abroad
Getting ready to go abroad can be a very nerve racking experience. Packing was something that stressed me out more than I ever imagined it would. Am I bringing too much? Am I bringing too little?...
Getting Adjusted to Life In Milan, Italy
Adjusting to life in Milan, Italy has definitely come with some culture shock. I experienced it from the very first moment I stepped off the plane and exited the airport. Many of the other students...
Thankful for the Friendships
Today marks one month since I moved to Bristol, UK for my student exchange program between Bama Law and UWE Bristol Law School. It has been absolutely wonderful experience, and I am so happy that I...
What I Love About Maastricht: The Beauty in the Simplicity
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles – Preparing for my Germany Abroad Experience
Top Five Locations to Prioritize Along Your Study Abroad in Europe
Breaking down every bit of free time you have during the semester is difficult but what is even more difficult is figuring out where you want to go. There are so many memorable places in Europe but...
The Unexpected Regrets Regarding Abroad Provocations and Preparations
Before studying abroad, I prepared for worst-case scenario situations. Like getting zip-up bags for pickpocketing or bringing memorabilia from home contingent upon homesickness. I was ill-prepared...
Traveling while abroad
Adjusting to Life in Spain
Pre-departure Anxieties
Today marks three weeks of being abroad in Florence! Since being here, I have had so much fun and been able to experience incredible opportunities that I dreamed about before leaving. One of my main...
Making the Most of Your Host-City
When studying abroad it's easy to get wrapped up in the chaos of scrambling to book weekend trips, trying to check off as many countries as possible, and forgetting how special the country you live...
In the Books and Across the Borders!
I have now been abroad for 2 ½ months! It has been an amazing and crazy journey so far. Since my first blog, I have been to many more interesting places, mostly in Spain, but also in Germany. I...
A Month in Spain: Settling In and Studying Up
Welcome to a synopsis of what has been the craziest month of my life. My name is Zach, and I am spending this Spring in Barcelona, Spain. What was originally a nerve-racking concept is now a...
My First Days in Dublin!
Hello! My name is Lija Gaikis, and I am a third year student studying abroad in Dublin, Ireland at University College Dublin! I arrived on Tuesday, January 16th, and it has been a wild week and a...
Two Months in Madrid, Spain
Today marks exactly two months since I stepped off the airplane in Europe for the first time. Time truly does fly when you’re having fun. I am staying with a host mom who might just be the best host...
The First Couple Days: Madrid, Spain
I have been in Spain for three days now, I intended to blog during my travels, but due to the weather, my plans got a little messed up and I had two very stressful 40-minute layovers. So, after two...
Balancing Academics and Fun While Abroad
As it turns out, a month abroad isn't very long. My arrival in Cape Town, South Africa, was 10 days ago, which means I now have a mere 17 days remaining in this wonderful country for my Child Life...
Pre- Departure for Barcelona 2024
I have been considering studying abroad since freshman year of college, it had always been a dream of mine to live in another country for a semester. Because I knew early on that I wanted to go...
Why Studying Abroad Without your Friends is Not so Scary!
I am studying abroad in Barcelona, Spain, and I have now been here for about a week. When I tell you that two days before departure I freaked out and wanted to stay home, I really mean that. I got...
Overcoming Culture Shock and Loneliness in a City of Hustle and Bustle
So, you’ve done the thing. You’ve made it to your study abroad destination. However, your new home does not gleam as much as you wanted it to. I was overwhelmed with...
Marveling at Marrakech: Why Morocco is a Must-See Destination
Who wouldn't want to check another continent off their bucket list?! I recently traveled to Marrakech, Morocco while studying abroad in Madrid, Spain. I can confidently say that I will remember...
Making Study Abroad Work For You – Why I Chose Valencia, Spain
Hello from the Portland Airport! My name is Claire, and I’m a sophomore at UA studying Spanish and Geography. This semester, I’m studying abroad in Valencia, Spain with ISA’s Hispanic Studies...
Discovering Study Abroad
It has officially been two weeks since I started my study abroad journey, and every part has so far been great. I started to write this post on my plane, but somehow time got away from me, so I...
Back from Abroad: Reflections and Revelations from My International Study Adventure
Returning home is bittersweet. While I am excited to reunite with family and friends, I can't help but feel a pang of nostalgia for my time abroad. The familiarity of home is comforting, yet I miss...
Abroad in Panamá: Culture shocks, Corporations, and Climatic Observations
Being abroad in Panamá has been a very breathtaking, eye opening, and mind boggling experience. There were too many memorable experiences to write in a single blog post, but I’ll try to touch on...
Beginning A Journey To Panama
Hi, my name is Tyler LeValley and I’m a marketing major at UA. I chose to study abroad to improve my cultural perspective and to better understand how companies operate internationally. I primarily...
The Journey to Panama and Beyond!
Hey there! My name is Sara Jeffrey, and I am a finance major at the Capstone. I have always been interested in business and studying abroad, but I did not know how I would incorporate the two into...
Before the Flight: Predeparture Panama Blog
My anticipation builds as I sit here in the airport, moments away from boarding my flight to Panama. This journey marks the beginning of a week filled with adventure and discovery. As I await our...
In Conclusion: Knowledge of Panama
Today is the day I return home to the US. This experience has been more than what i anticipated. Along with gaining knowledge and opportunities to connect with ambiguous CEO's and leaders that...
Welcome to Panama: A New Experience
As my Plane descend on Panama, I notice the height of the architecture of the buildings. The city was filled with thriving night life and reminds me of Miami at night. When first arriving to Panama...
Preparation for UA In Panama!
As I look out of the window of the plane taking us to Panama, i could only worry about if I came prepared enough. I recall a weeks before this exciting day, researching about every single detail I...
Pre-departure Prep!
Hola! My name is Kelley Pham and I am a freshman that is currently double majoring in Finance and Marketing. I am a Tuscaloosa native (#Be1Pat) and am looking forward to sharing my Panama study...
Embracing Panama: Exploring Cultures and Businesses
When I arrived in Panama, I was instantly struck by the people's vivid energy and kindness. The bustling streets, along with colorful and tall buildings and vibrant music, portrayed a dynamic and...
Pre-departure Thrills
I have always wanted to study abroad since I was a kid, but I never imagined I would have the opportunity until I saw the Freshman Access Grant Panama Business Trip. Coming into college, I was...
First Time Abroad: Post-Trip Thoughts
As I reminisce about my time spent in Panama, I find myself struggling to adequately express the depth of gratitude I feel for having had this extraordinary experience. It's been a journey that has...
First Time Abroad: Mid-Trip Thoughts
As we find ourselves at the midpoint of our adventure, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of awe. When I first stepped foot onto my college campus, the thought of embarking on an international...
First Time Abroad: Pre-Trip Thoughts
Hey folks! Just dropping in to share the details about my upcoming trip to Panama – less than a week left, and the excitement is real! This is my first time venturing abroad, and let me tell you,...
Embracing the Unknown: Anticipation Before a Semester Abroad in Barcelona
How to Never Regret Studying Abroad
Today is December 19, 2023, and it's my last day living in Athens, Greece. My home for the last 4 months has left me nothing short of amazed, and I've loved (almost) every second of my time here. I...
Navigating the Academic Structures of UK Universities
Sometimes we get so excited about being abroad, we forget that we’re there to study. When deciding where you will go to study abroad, it’s important to consider the academic structures of the...
An Unfamiliar Life (and the Importance of Studying!)
I've been living in Athens, Greece for almost 10 weeks now, and as the days tick down, I'm both dreading leaving this adventure, and excited to get home and start the next one. Things have gotten...
A Sight-Seeing Skeptic’s Take on The Magic of the Taj Mahal
What trip to India is complete without visiting the Taj Mahal? After a full semester of classes in Bangalore, my classmates and I took a group trip to North India. We explored the sights of Jaipur,...
The Year of the Expat: Experiences in Spain vs. India
I spent the majority of 2023 as an expat, living in Madrid, Spain and Bangalore, India. Both locations were thrilling, full of vivid experiences, meaningful friendships, and memories I will cherish...
Overcoming Homesickness Together: Garba Dancing at Navratri
I remember moving from Washington to Louisiana when I was 11 years old. Though we never left the U.S., transitioning from the Pacific Northwest to the Deep South was like moving to a different...