Bama Bloggers Abroad
Expectations and Advice for Study Abroad Students
One of the biggest concerns I had in studying abroad was the food. I have always been a picky eater, and I was worried that I was going to be miserable and hungry all the time because the food would...
Porto, Portugal
I did not expect to love Porto, or Portugal, as much as I did, but I absolutely loved the food, culture, and people. When we first arrived, our dormitory arrangements were not in the central part of...
My Experience at EIA – Week Three
Me and my amazing team Palácio da Bolsa, where we gave our final presentations The start of the awards ceremony A New Member, and One Final Push to the End As I referenced in my last post, we lost...
My Experience at EIA – Week Two
(Top Left) A view of Lisbon Cathedral and Saint Vincent, the patron Saint of Lisbon (Top Middle) One of the many alleyways that flow through Lisbon (Top Right) A small view of Lisbon's skyline, near...
My Experience at EIA – Week One
The European Innovation Academy Before I begin to share my experience here in Porto, I think it's important to establish what the "European Innovation Academy" is all about. For those unaware, the...
A Week of Service Learning in Ghana
Recently I spent one week in Sunyani, Ghana doing service learning as a part of UA in Ghana. Being a French major, my service learning placement was shadowing a French teacher at a local Montessori...
Cape Coast, Ghana: A Beautiful Place with a Dark History
We’ve been in Ghana for two weeks now, and we’re coming to the end of our trip. Our last stop before we head back to the Capital city of Accra and head home is Cape Coast, Ghana, a beautiful coastal...
Monkeys, Waterfalls, and Monasteries: One Short Day in Ghana
While the UA in Ghana: Service Learning trip comes with some work, it comes with fun too! A few days ago, we took a day trip to some pretty amazing sites around the country, starting with the...
While finishing up my study abroad to Portugal, I compiled a list of my takeaways from the trip to share now. Going on a trip that is involved in a non-UA program like classes at another university...
After Argentina: A Reflection
Morgan Mittlestadt | B.S. in Chemistry Candidate | McCollough Institute for Pre-Medical Scholars
Trekking over Misty Mountains in Bergen Norway
The first 100 meters of a hike is always the easiest. You're full of pent-up energy and the initial steps feel like freedom. The honeymoon phase quickly ends though, especially if you are hiking up...
My Month in Belgium
Before leaving my trip I wasn't sure what to expect. I was excited of course, but was a bit worried about the packing, travel, culture shock, etc.. It was my first time being across the Atlantic,...
Ice, Ice Baby: a Quick Stop in the Land of the Vikings
After our rigorous, month long study abroad program in Copenhagen, my lab partner, Gabi, and I decided that we needed some rest and relaxation. Thus, it seemed like fate when the cheapest flights...
Cruising in Copenhagen
In Copenhagen, Denmark, there are over 675,000 bicycles throughout the city. It is more common here to ride a bike than it is to have a car, as well as it is common to take public transportation...
The Aftermath
Overall I couldn't have asked for a better trip. The whole point of this trip for me was to explore something unique, which was definitely achieved. I saw and experienced things I would never...
Impressions During the Trip
When I first touched down in the Costa Rica airport I was filled with such emotion. This was my first time leaving the United States and I was nervous and excited at the same time. I was scared...
Before Arriving in Costa Rica
I knew I wanted to study abroad ever since my senior year of high school. My family and I have always loved traveling cross country and seeing the cool things that each different city or state...
Amman Excursions- The Three Coolest Sites I’ve Visited So Far
Since arriving in Jordan in Mid-May, I’ve had the opportunity to see a lot of incredible places both within Amman, where I’m living, and in other parts of Jordan. One of the first sites that I was...
Mid-Semester Update in Dublin, Ireland
Hi, so this makes my second blog for my time abroad in Spring 2021, however this is the first time the site and my login info has...
Seek Discomfort! It’s the best thing you can do!
Before I went abroad to London, I made a promise to myself that I would seek discomfort from here on out. This did not just pertain to taking risks but also to making new friends and creating...
The Famous Highgate Cemetery
Highgate Cemetery is one of the most historical cemeteries in the world. It is full of famous people from literature, philosophy, etc. It even includes the grave of Karl Marx. Overflowing with...
Dominican Reflections
I am writing this post after taking time to contemplate my experience in the Dominican Republic. While my time in the Dominican Republic was really challenging, I did meet some great people this...
Returning Home from Valencia
I’m not ashamed to admit that I teared up a little bit in the Birmingham airport when I heard the familiar sounds of sweet, southern accents - in English! I loved my time abroad, and the way Spanish...
Back Home From Scotland
I have been home for a little over a week now from my study abroad trip to Edinburgh, Scotland. I have been pretty lazy since returning because I did not spend even one day relaxing in Scotland. I...
Conclusion to a Well-Spent Summer
The ride to Shanghai Pudong International Airport happened on a restless Friday night when the city was lit by looming skyscrapers all around, a testament to how such a city can come more alive at...
The Journey to the East
Touchdown. And boom. I’ve landed in Shanghai. I am never quite good with first impressions because I never quite expect something to be a first. The city existed before my arrival and it will still...
First Day in Guayaquil
Today I woke up in Guayaquil, Ecuador! One of my biggest anxieties about traveling to a foreign country was the language barrier. While trying to communicate has been a challenge, I have enjoyed...
Ecuador, Here I Come!
As a civil engineering student at the University of Alabama, I am intrigued by sustainability and design. I have a passion for knowledge, travel, growth, community, and service. Thus, I eagerly...
Ups and Downs in Cairns
In between classes about Australian law, I have had the opportunity to see some of the country. This past weekend, a group of us went to Cairns to dive at the Great Barrier Reef. This trip was...
Another Adventure
When I was younger, I used to look at the walls in my families houses, lined with photographs, canvas’, books and memories of the places they had been. The remnants of their memories filled me with...
France for Real?
The days leading up to my departure honestly haven’t felt real. I go to work, then class, and then I go back home to my dog and repeat the whole process the next day. It really doesn’t seem like on...
First Days in Spain: the Excitement, Fear, and Difficulty Surrounding My Initial Days Abroad
When I originally left for my study abroad trip at the beginning of June, I was ecstatic. I had been counting down the minutes until I would be in Madrid, and was unable to contain my excitement as...
I Studied Abroad and I Met Katie Couric!
When I embarked on this study abroad adventure I didn't really know what the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity was. Well now that I have been, I can tell you it is pretty much the...
Moving Forward
I'm now two weeks removed from Leicester and now that I've torn through my pictures for the 7th or 8th time, I'm starting to really appreciate even more the last 6 months and what they have done for...
During my six weeks abroad, I had the opportunity to travel to Barcelona, Paris, and Amsterdam. Each city had a different twist, which made them very special and unique. Barcelona was my absolute...
Advice for Future Students
Three things I wish I knew before I traveled to Barcelona Barcelona is the most beautiful and exhilarating city I have ever traveled to. Barcelona has so much to offer such as the city center,...
Pre-Departure Post: UA in Asia
My sophomore year of college (I am a grad student now) I studied abroad for a semester in Torino, Italy. I did not ever imagine that I would be given the opportunity to study abroad again, however...
Before the Trip – Off to South Africa
This Faculty-Led Study Abroad program was my first abroad experience. Before I set off for Johannesburg, I was very nervous. The airport, the flight, customs, etc... it all frightened me! At the...
Reflections on my Study Abroad Program Post-Return to the US
It has been slightly over a month since my return to America, and it has been an optimal amount of time to gather my thoughts on the summer semester. While in Ireland, it felt like I lived most of...
A Synopsis of My Spectacular Experiences While Abroad in Ireland
During my time in Ireland, the experience was coined by lots of good food, late nights, and climbing mountains. We began in Dublin, Ireland and became acquainted with the city on a hop-on-hop-off...
On My Way: How I Overcame My Fear Of Flying
I’ve only flown twice in my entire life on very brief flights, and I was incredibly irritable and nervous for both trips. So, I decided that I’d use this trip to Holland as an opportunity to to get...
Visiting Florence, Do These 10 Things:
Florence is a lively city, with a rich history and vibrant environment. As a self-proclaimed “local” who has lived in Florence for a little over two months I can assure you that around every corner...
Travel Diary: To Italy and Beyond
As I make my way back to the US I am very bittersweet but utterly grateful that I studied abroad in Florence because of the ease and affordability of traveling on weekends. Disclaimer, my affiliate...
Trip Of A Lifetime!
Edit: Because of accommodation wifi, this post did not upload when it was meant to and is coming in very late. I am so sorry! It’s July 15th, and we are just over halfway through with the UA@Oxford...
A Week of Innovation, Adventure, and Exploration in Portugal
This week has been all about preparation as my team and I dedicated countless hours to perfect our product idea for the expo on Friday at the European Innovation Academy. We showcased our app,...
Biking in Italy
On my Study Abroad in Italy, I love being a tourist—riding a gondola in Venice, buying pasta-themed socks at the souvenir shop, taking that photo of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Going into my trip,...
Taking a Journey Across the Pond
July 2nd was the day that we began the trip that would change our lives! Although a late night flight was in the works out of Hartsfield Jackson Airport, I couldn't wait to embark on this new trip....
Visiting Pompeii on our Free Day
On my Study Abroad in Italy, I was psyched with how many cities we got to visit: Venice, Padua, Verona, Milan, Ravenna, Florence, Bologna, Pisa, Rome, Pompeii. Most of these cities were on the...
Making the Most of Our Free Day in Venice
Part of the reason that my Study Abroad experience in Italy has been so amazing is the number of cities I’ve been able to visit (10 in total!). Because we move around so much, the challenge becomes...