Bama Bloggers Abroad
High Table Dinners at Worcester College- Oxford
The Oxford Campus and Community
Post #3: The Best Summer. Planning my Return Trip Already.
After being in Japan for about two whole months, I can safely say I will forever remember this extraordinary trip abroad. Not only did I meet so many great people and make new life-long friends, but...
Favorite Things in Kyoto, Japan
Now that I have been living in Japan for an entire month, I feel that I have had the proper amount of time to adjust to everyday life and take in everything. I still have about two weeks of my...
UA in Denmark: Unit Operations Lab – A Balance Between Work and Fun
My name is Lela, and I am a rising senior majoring in chemical engineering and mathematics. This July (2023), I completed the Unit Operations Lab in Copenhagen, Denmark. This is widely considered...
UA in Ireland: Chemical Engineering – Phenomenal People and Places!
My name is Lela, and I am a rising senior studying chemical engineering and mathematics at UA. Throughout June 2023, I was at University College Dublin (UCD) in Ireland as a part of the UA in...
Week 1 in Paradise
It's hard to believe we landed on Sint Maarten exactly a week ago today because of how quickly it felt like home. After only seven days, it feels like I've lived here for months already. After a...
Preparing for Ireland
Preparing for studying abroad can be a daunting task, but it helps to know what to buy and pack. I chose to study abroad in Ireland on a 2.5 week faculty-led course and spend the rest of the month...
Back to Regularly Scheduled Programming…
I have been home for two months now. That is a crazy thing to say. Two months have come and gone in the blink of an eye. Truthfully, I am not sure I even had a phase where I eased back into reality....
Au Revoir to The Friendly Island and The Most Amazing Experience
Well, this is it. My final days in Sint Maarten and my final blog commemorating my once-in-a-lifetime experience. As my time on The Friendly Island draws near, I can't help but reflect on what an...
Halfway Through The Most Amazing Experience
I have no other words for my study experience thus far other than grateful and complete happiness. Part of my study abroad included the celebration of Memorial Day, a day all American’s take time to...
Time Flies ✈️
It’s hard to believe yet another week has gone by. When I first arrived, it felt like I had been here forever, but since the first week, time has flown. I can’t believe we only have six full days...
Work/Life Balance in Paradise
Our first week on the island was all about getting acclimated, both to our new environment and our classes. This week, as we have gotten settled in, things have ramped up quite a bit. We’ve started...
Eliminate Packing Stress
As you start preparing to study abroad, it can be a daunting task to think about all of the things that you are going to experience. You will have to tackle many problems head-on and in a foreign...
Trips from Sorrento, Italy
While studying abroad in southern Italy, I have had the privilege of taking many different day and weekend trips around the country and around Europe as a whole. The transportation system present in...
Finally Home…
I'm going to miss the food, though I got back home last night. I have to say, it feels good to sleep in my bed and play my guitar again. The best part about being home is being with my family and...
Preparing to travel had to be the scariest part of Study Abroad for me. Figuring out how much to pack, should I bring all of these supplies, how many different pairs of shoes do I need? It was a...
Advice for Studying Abroad in Guatemala
Pre-departure Stress Before my study abroad trip to Guatemala I was very nervous about a lot of things. I felt like I knew no one who was going, I had no idea what to pack, and I was so scared that...
Ending My Trip Abroad in Guatemala!
Midterms Halfway through week two in Guatemala we had midterms for our two classes we have been taking while abroad. Our classes are Politics of Developing Nations and Politics of Latin American...
Life After Colombia: Adjusting to Life with New Perspectives
Adjusting to my old life in the United States after six weeks in Colombia has involved reverse culture shock, confusion surrounding languages, and missing my time abroad. I knew that reverse culture...
My Whirlwind of a Time in Medellín: Stunning and Mountainous!
My favorite part of my six weeks in Colombia was my trip to Medellín. Medellín is a beautiful city in the mountains of western Colombia. Because the elevation is so high, the temperature is much...
How to navigate the Madrid Airport
When you arrive at the Madrid airport, you will go through a section that takes you directly to customs. At customs, you answer the standard questions about your stay. After going through customs,...
All the things to see and do in Madrid
Madrid has so many things to do, it's hard to really know what there is to do in Madrid and what is worth doing. In my time here in Madrid, I have compiled a list of museums, parks, markets, stores,...
How to Improve your Study Abroad Experience
My biggest recommendations to make your study abroad experience better Pack really light. I'm not saying don't go without clothing, but be very prudent about what you pack. I over-packed a few...
Reverse Culture Shock from My Time in France
What's taken me by surprise as I've been back home I expected there to be a lot of cultural nuances that took getting used to as I studied abroad in France. What I didn't expect, though, was to be...
See it, Say it, Sorted: Scotland Edition
One of the last adventures I took during my time at Oxford was a short weekend trip to Edinburgh with two really cool people (shoutout Ava and Sam). The train ride there was beautiful and I honestly...
Strolling through Alice in Wonderland
One of the first outings I went on for class was one that for one of my classes; The Arts of Oxford. Since we were discussing Alice in Wonderland in class and all of its ties to Oxford I was excited...
Processing Emotions as You Get Ready to Return Home
Over your study abroad experience, you will likely experience a wide range of emotions towards both your host and home countries. For myself and many of the people I live with abroad, the period...
Reflecting on my Time in Madrid
Looking back on my time in Spain, I’m so grateful to have gotten this opportunity! I got to experience so many different cities in Spain. Despite this, I could spend another summer in Spain and...
A Guide to Weekend Trips
Going into studying abroad, it was very important for me to be able to experience as many new cities as possible. My program has built in day trips for every weekend except for two. This has made it...
Adventures in Ghana
Last Days in Ghana
Living in Ghana
End-of-Trip Reflection
Amsterdam and Copenhagen will forever hold a special place in my heart! This trip has been one of the most incredible experiences of my life and I am thankful beyond words. <3 Throughout this...
End of an Era
It's June 18th and I just arrived at the airport to start my 12-hour flight home. Unfortunately flying back home adds more time than when I was flying to London. We left the hotel at 6 am sharp so I...
Coming to an End
Today is June 14th and on the agenda for today is to go have lunch at clink prison. Here I am going to experience what life inside a prison is like as I will have servers who are inmates, and I will...
Pre Departure
Growing up I think I wanted to study abroad before I even decided I wanted to go to school. I've loved traveling ever since I went to Europe with my grandparents in 2013. While it was such a fun and...
Final Thoughts on Zambia!
As I have returned from Zambia, Africa I am happy to be home but already miss the beauty of the scenery. I am so grateful to be able to travel to a country so far away and learn from the people...
Looking Back on Oxford, England: A Countdown
5: I saw five plays while in England. A Midsummer’s Night Dream, As You Like It, Romeo and Juliet, The Burnt City, and Six the Musical. Whether just for fun or for class, I had the best time...
Research in Oxford
Oxford has one of the biggest library systems in the world: the Bodleian Library. After our first day of classes, we went to the Bodleian to get our library cards, go on a small tour, and take an...
Coming Back Home – Back to Reality
Returning to the US from the EU!
As all great travels come to a close, mine follows suit. After the Denmark escapades, a friend and I traveled the European Union for about a week. We first went to Milan, Italy; then Zürich,...
A Day in the Shoes of the Danes
Hello all! I've been studying in Denmark for about a month now, and while I've been here for only a short time, it feels like it's been a year. With this post, I'll take you through a typical day in...
Learning the History in Ghana
Christ Cares International School Experience
Daily task at Elmina Polyclinic
From Colombia back to Alabama!!!
I want to start this off by saying how much of a life-changing experience Colombia was for me, and all the things I will be able to take back with me. I have been home now for about a little over 2...
Divemaster Stacey on Conservation in Belize Reef Systems
An incredible discovery of mine on our research trip was that Belizeans are some of the kindest people to come across. I met and spent an extended amount of time with different host families and...
Tree Planting in the Village of San Pedro Columbia, Belize
Most of our conservation research trip in Belize was spent on the water near marine reserves. However, we were able to spend a few days on the mainland during our second week abroad. On this...
Day 1 in London, UK
Bre Terry, Gabby B., & Justin B.